Earthbound pt. 3

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Uzi walks into the busted up blast doors, "I remember those from last time." She shakes her head as she walks in, bumping into Thad along the way. "Wait, Uzi? But I thought you banished yourself." "I did. But I came asking for everyone's help." The final blast door opens up, Khan standing on the other side. "I was....I was hoping you'd come back." "I didn't come back to bond or emphasize with you, dad. I came asking for your help so we can get off this hellacious, dark planet." Khan lifts up a coffee mug, sipping some hot oil, "I see...." He looks away sadly. "I came to ask if you could help us fix up N's spaceship or....landing pod. Whatever he calls that thing." Thad's eyes widen, looking at Khan, " A real spaceship?! That would be too cool! We do owe her anyways, Khan. Her and her new friend did save us from those other Murder Drones." Khan stays quiet. "Look, dad. If you don't want to help us, then I suppose the others would, too." The remaining workers walk out, murmuring to each other. Uzi groans in frustration, "Look. We have a way to get off of this planet. Me and N need your help to fix his "landing pod" or "spaceship". Whatever he calls that thing. If we fix that, we can get off this planet and back to Earth." Thad walks up to Uzi, a tool bag on his shoulder, "I don't know about your dad, but I'm in!" "Me too!" "Count me in." The workers run around, grabbing whatever parts and tools they can find, running out and following Uzi out the broken blast doors. Khan remains standing, watching the workers as they walk off. Mere moments later, N looks out to see Uzi and the remaining workers approaching. "Hey, Uzi! I see you gathered the "not so different from me" worker drones. Are they gonna help fix the pod?" Uzi smiles in a horrific way, "Damn right they are. And once it's done, it's off to Earth to destroy JcJenson and all the human inhabitants." "O-K. I'll be in here. Remember I can't be out in the sunlight. Otherwise I'll overheat and die." N's head disappears as the worker drones begin working on the pod. Nighttime rolls around, the pod is fixed up and upgraded. N grabs V, meeting Uzi outside. "Wait, where's L?" L walks out, "I'm right here." Uzi studies her for a moment, "Is something wrong here?" L's eyes widen, "No! No, of course not. I'm absolutely fine." Z appears suddenly behind L, along with R, putting an arm around her, "I hope not, Princess. Because if we're doing this, we need your pretty little head in the game." L groans angrily, pushing his arm off of her. "Ok, then. Everyone aboard the pod!" "Luckily we upgraded so there's enough room on here for everyone!" Thad had waited for everyone else to board, walking up the metal steps and was about to close the door when Khan appears. "Huh? Khan?" He stops a short distance from the steps, "I..guess I'll join you on your quest back to Earth. May I join?" Uzi steps beside Thad, "You should've come with us to help fix the pod!" "I know. I'm sorry. I just......felt so bad for.....what happened last time. I....know you didn't mean to bring the Murder Drones to our secret hiding place. our evacuation point. But.....I guess what I'm trying to say is. I want to join you on your quest back to Earth! Please, let me join you, Uzi." Uzi looks away, an annoyed look on her face, "Yeah, sure. Whatever. Come on, dad." His face brightens as he runs up the steps and onboard, the pod activating and lifting off into the sky. Uzi watches out the window, silently laughing, smiling evily, "Get ready, humans. We're coming for you." Her screen glitches, her eyes turning yellow.


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