JcJenson vs Team Uzi pt. 1

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N walks out with L in his arms, Uzi turning around with her rail gun in hand, her eyes glowing yellow. N stops short witnessing the yellow glow upon her screen, "U-Uzi? Are you feeling alright?" She gives off a low evil laugh, "Haven't felt better. It's about time you two got off that pod. Are we ready to go take them down yet or not?" L hops out of N's arms, a worried look on her face, "Uzi, perhaps you should sit this one out." Uzi rushes at her, the rail gun pointed at her neck, "SIT IT OUT?! WE CAME ALL THIS WAY AND YOU WANT ME TO SIT IT OUT?! I should blow your head off RIGHT NOW AND SUCK THE OIL FROM YOUR FLIMSY METAL BODY!" N steps in front of her, "Uzi stop this!" Uzi growls, placing the weapon on her back, walking past Z and V, looking back at N, "Im not sitting this out! We came here to kill these humans and that's what we're gonna do!" V and Z walk up beside her, Khan stopping beside L, "L, perhaps we should-" "ZIP IT, DAD! BITE ME! Let's go V, Z." Uzi walks on, V and z behind her. "I love this new Uzi." Z chuckles, "I do admit, my love. She has quite the badass attitude." N helps L to her feet, the small group following a few paces behind Uzi and the others. "N, did....anything go down between you two?" N's eyes widen, flashing back to the fight outside the pod. "I mean......we did get into a small battle outside the pod and I may have hehe.....hehe.....stabbed her in the hand with my tail......BUT IT WAS THE FIRST THING I THOUGHT TO DO, OK?! Anyways, the only way to neutralize the nanites is to-" "Use the saliva in our mouths? Yeah, I'm a disassembly drone, too, N. But I'm guessing that's what she ended up doing?" "Heeeey you figured that out so quicklyyyyy." N gives off a nervous laugh as L looks closely at her hair. "It seems like she's.....she's......being-" "Transformed into one of YOU?!" L and N stop and look back at Khan, who had stopped in fear, dropping the mug of fresh hot oil he had been sipping on. He slowly begins backing away, " You....you MONSTERS! THE SAME THING HAPPENED TO HER MOTHER! Now the same thing is happening to her?!" He continues to back away, suddenly turning around and running back to the pod and slamming the door shut, locking it. N sighs, grabbing L's hand and gently pulling on it. "Come on, L. We'll deal with him later." L continues walking with N, occasionally looking back at the pod until it disappeared from view. Hours pass, the group finally approaching a small hill, peering over at an island with a large warehouse factory building atop of it. "There it is. JcJenson." Uzi smiles and grabs her rail gun. "It's time to finally end these bastards. Everyone ready?" She looks at the group, noticing that her father had disappeared, "Lemme guess. He chickened out and ran back to the pod, eh?" N and L look at each other, nodding slowly. Uzi groans, "Whatever. Z grab me. Let's do this." Z grabs her, V and Z spreading their wings and taking off. N grabs L's hands, "Please, be careful in there. These people could be dangerous and I don't want you getting hurt." "N, relaaaaax. We got this." She giggles evily, a purple X appearing across her screen as she pops out her sliver and chrome metallic wings and taking off, N behind her. Upon approaching JcJenson, they land hard on the concrete pavement outside the building, Uzi running at the door and busting through it, the disassembly drones flying in, slaying a few employees standing near the entrance. V laughs  as she drops an arm from a dead employee, "Once again, I still feel nothing. Even though these aren't even worker drones, I enjoyed slicing through their warm, soft flesh." Z had dropped the head of a blond haired female employee, "Mmmmmm I know how you're feeling, my dear. Quite enjoyable." They both give a soft giggle, give each other a kiss. "Ugh, now is NOT the time for smooching you two! We have MORE humans to slay." Alarms went off as more humans run out, guns pointed at them. "JCJENSON SECURITY! WEAPONS AND CLAWS AWAY OR WE'RE USING DEADLY FORCE!" Uzi gives them an evil smile, "Ooooh you mean like THIS?!" She shoots them with a single blaze of bright green energy from the rail gun, the guards yelling out in pain, severely damaged weaponry dropping to the ground in their place. Uzi spits onto the ground, "THAT'S how you kill two birds with one stone." "Uh, Uzi? Don't you mean-" "Shut up, N! Now get moving!" Uzi, V and Z run out and into the main halls, slaying every employee in sight. N and L follow not far behind, going into every room, slaying each human they could find left. Z opens a door, finding multiple crates of oil barrels. "Hey, guys! Over here! Fresh, sweet OIL!" He flies to a crate, cracking open a barrel and sucking one down. V, L and N fly over to another, cracking some open and sucking them down. Uzi walks over to Z's crate and cracks one open, poking her finger into one and giving it a taste. She crackles psychoticly, scarfing it down and wiping her mouth. "So DELICIOUS!" V grunts as she slays a male human who had entered and attempted to kill her, the body dropping to the ground, "We need to get outta here! There's more humans than where that came from." The group follows V out to the halls, slaying more employees that had attempted to escape.

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