Chapter 1

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What is love?

a feeling of strong or constant affection for person. attraction that includes sexual desire that includes the strong affection felt by people who have a romantic relationship a declaration of love.

He was just a lonely man looking for love.

But did he really love me?

Because it didn't feel like it.

"Daisy oh my sweetheart. you look pretty sexy in that skirt and jumper."

"My dear, why do you look so concerned?"

"Did something happen while I was gone?"

"Maybe the outfit wasn't a good ideal, let me help you-"


"Daisy! holy shit you did it again!" my co-worker Paige said, realising me from my little dream I had while zoning out.

Damm it's been about 5 years now.

"Did you have that dream again? you did didn't you?" Paige asked, picking up the broken plate as we close up for the night.

I nodded in agreement and she let out a heavy sigh. Putting the broken pieces of the plate to the side and brought me in for a hug which I return.

"It's been 5 years Daisy. He's probably still in jail as we speak otherwise he would Be after you and he hasn't return since." Paige reassured.

I nodded, understanding her point.
well slightly.

As Paige and me close the shop for tonight we head out and as usual Paige drove me back home since I was still scared walking home or even taking a bus on my own from my past event experiences

"It's been 5 years Paige."

"I know but aren't you glad he isn't bothering you anymore? he was sure some asshole and psychopath." She said, taking glances at me then the road.

I couldn't help but felt a sense of guilt build up inside of me. i ended my relationship with him because he has became so possessive that he had start taking track of my location, my bank account and taking almost all of my money, choose what I wore to parties or meetings dinners and he would either slap me around the check for arguing with him.

He was once sweet but something evil snap inside of him and I ended our relationship.

I didn't feel comfortable with the way he act towards me, he didn't take it the right way which made me occur running in the forest with his phone since he had taken mine, I was quick enough to call the police and they got here just in time.

He was in jail and sentence to life in prison forever but I felt bad I don't know why but I just did.

I guess I loved him too much.

It took me time to end it and I finally ended it and you could say I should be happy which I am I feel free but I loved him and I hate that I sent him to prison for life but Paige had told me I Would find someone better.

And I did, Hayden. He was more better then Caleb he was less controlling and possessive He let me wear what I wanted but also brought a coat incase people were looking at me wrongly. He let me buy what I wanted, He never look at my location and if he did he would ask for permission just because he would be worried but Caleb would track it down to see if I was at any shops spending too much.

I'm glad but I was blinded by love and and I still love him but I just wasn't meant for him and Hayden was the one for sure.

"Well here we are. do you want me to walk up the stairs to your place?" Paige said, stopping the car and engine looking at me.

"oh no I will be fine. Its late and we have work in the morning so you should get back."

"okay if you say so but be careful. call me if anything happens." Paige said, before she waved me goodbye getting back into car driving off.

I make my way up the stairs, for sure the lights made me scared since they were flickering and were very dim too but I have been used to it by now to know that nothing will appear to catch me. There were sounds and creaks but this place was getting kinda old but It was good enough for now to live in.

I get to my apartment, putting my bag to the side of the table, I take out my pot which I had just some noddle's with some sauce to it, cleaning and then putting in one of the cabinets for later to put my lunch in.

by the time I had a shower, It started raining and I completely forgot that I left some things on the balcony from in the morning but I was only in a towel and my hair was wet but I had to get it in.

with a frustrated sigh I grab my basket and headed out the balcony, quickly grabbing all the clothes which were manly jumpers or my skirts. I could hear people running with their umbrella's as I look down.

but one thing that caught me off guard was that a man was directly looking at me from my apartment, I use the basket to hide my nudity.

"Can I help you?!" I shouted from my apartment, but he smirk and ran off from there. Who the fuck was that Guy?

He look around 18. oh its them again probably. the teenagers that thought to egg my house when they heard about my trial in court with my crazy ex boyfriend Caleb. well I'm not paranoid anymore so its their loss now.

As I waited expecting them to egg my house and for me to see the stains I didn't hear anything or see any eggs going on my window.

okay this is strange.

I slowly open the door to the balcony and I'm blind by a egg on my face. these fucking teenagers. I could hear their laughs. I wipe away the egg on my face.

that's it. I go into my kitchen and come back to the balcony. I throw all my eggs at the same time and they are soak in coats of egg yolk.

"Now get the fuck out of my street and don't come again! Otherwise your be in grave next!" I shouted furiously, and they still laugh. god will i ever win make them feel angry?

neverminded I just better get to sleep otherwise I will be late again.

What is love?

What is love?

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