Chapter 8 - Stain

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Tenya POV

Stain pinned me to the ground and had one of his swords stabbed into my shoulder.

"Tenya and Tensei are both weak and have no right to be called heroes." Stain snarls.

"I'll kill you!" I bellow, not realizing what I was saying.

"Look at you, a hero is supposed to be focused on saving people right?" He says as he points at Native, "You're blinded by a selfish desire for revenge, and you are the furthest thing from a true hero." he says pulling his sword out and licking it.

A surge flows through my body and everything stops, I can't move. I then see him putting his sword above my head and getting ready to plunge it in, I close my eyes and whisper "I'm sorry, Midoriya."

I then feel a strong wind against my face, I look up to see a grey figure punch Stain with so much force it knocks him back.

"Vigilante, Stain the hero killer. Real name Chizome Akaguro, Quirk: Bloodcurdle" I hear him whisper.

"Who are you, kid!" Stain bellows, "You aren't a hero or villain I've seen!"

"Hello hero killer," said the man with a dark voice, "Someone who is not popular enough yet." he finished.

Stain looked confused. "Look kid, I don't have any grudge with you... but you are stopping me from my prey!" he angrily said. "I know, I know what he did and I know your ideology. I also agree he should die for trying to be a hero" the man continued. He looked at me and just by looking at his mask, I got a freezing chill down my spine.

"However," he said, "I believe he has the potential to change, especially since he is the class representative of UA's class 1-A." I got another chill, 'how does this guy know this? Who is he??' I thought to myself.

Stain once again looked confused, "Who are you kid!" he then said.

"I am a vigilante, although a bit less bloody," he responded. "You can call me Red crown."

"Alright Red crown!" Stain bellowed. "From Vigilante to Vigilante! Fight me!"

"Very well!" Red crown said as he jumped with what seemed like no movement at all.

Stain throws 3 swords at Red crown and he dodges them all. He then threw 3 knives at Stain, as soon as Stain blocked them, he maneuvered his hands a bit and made the knives go around the sword and scratch his cheek. 'Telekinesis?' I thought to myself.

He then turned to me and said "Where is your phone?" "What?" I replied, "WHERE IS YOUR PHONE?" he said loudly, "In my right pocket!" I replied. Before I could turn my head around, I already saw him holding my phone in his hand and tapping it rapidly.

"What are you doing?" I asked, noticing I could move my body a bit more. "Getting Shoto here," he replied. Stain was still deflecting and dodging the knives, I then asked "Who are you? How do you know I'm the class representative? How do you know Shoto?" rapidly.

"Too fast!" He said, "I'm Red crown, I just know things, and who wouldn't know the 2nd place holder of the sports festival" he answered. Then he bent down a bit and charged at Stain at insane speed even to me, pulling his knives back and getting ready to punch him.

I can't believe what I'm seeing, Red crown is- is holding Stain off! Stain slashes at him and Red crown uses it as a foothold before kicking Stain in the face.

Stain bounces back towards me, 'damn it!' I thought to myself. "You're good kid, but this is my prey!" he says as he lifts his sword above my head. He suddenly jumps to a balcony to escape something. Then I feel a blast of heat and turn around to see Todoroki using his flames.

Todoroki POV

I ran into the alleyway that the location data said, I don't know how Ida did it, but he told me that he was fighting Stain and he's currently paralyzed? I didn't have time to question it because I knew he needed my help.

I got to the alleyway and saw the hero killer Stain with a sword above Ida's head, I used my flames and also noticed another figure.

I don't recognize him from anywhere, but all I knew is that he had 2 knives that were floating around him. Did the hero killer get an associate?

I blinked, "Shoto, use your ice to support me, I'll hold him off," he said right next to me. "How did you get here?!" I yell before hearing from Ida "He's another vigilante! His name is Red crown and he's here to help us! Shoto please!"

I started releasing to my ice to serve him as footholds wherever I could. His fighting style was... unmatched, I didn't know what to think of it. However many times Stain crushed my ice and swung around his swords, Red crown would just slip past him and deliver a powerful ax-kick. Stain seemed to be struggling and getting angrier and angrier but he was smiling, then I saw that Ida was getting up.

"Shoto, use your ice to freeze my legs without plugging the exhausts!" I obey him and slowly release the ice. "Recipro... Extend!" he yells and speeds to Stain. Then as if Red crown knew the future, he flips Stain into a vulnerable position and goes on his heels on the wall. I see him bending down a bit before jumping so fast it cracked the wall.

Ida jumps to Stain and delivers a roundhouse kick to his chest, Red crown throws another ax kick at his skull. I then create an ice path for Ida to slide on and a pillar at Stain. When I secured Ida, I looked back at Stain and saw him tied up next to my pillar. I look around and see that Red crown has completely vanished as if nothing was ever there.

As we got out of the alley, we managed to meet up with a small yellow man with a black mask, someone with one million written on his chest, and Endeavor. As I was going to open my mouth, a giant flying Nomu grabbed my shoulder.

"No!" I screamed as I realized I used my Ice too much and couldn't get it out. Then I see a red figure, Stain comes towards me and kills the Nomu. I try to get up but Stain holds me down, he then starts to speak up.

-Stain declares his ideology and releases his bloodlust-

He then starts to walk forward and is about to fall but he picks himself up one last time, "Red crown, you are gonna follow my path," he says before pointing at the guy with one million written on his chest "he will bring your greatest fight you will ever do," before collapsing.

I pick myself up a bit as well before also blacking out.

I woke up in a hospital bed. I look around to see Tenya and a dog person.

"Hello students, I am the Chief of the Hosu Police Force, Kenji Tsuragamae," he said with a bow.

He proceeds to explain the aftermath and how Endeavor should take the credit if we don't want to get charged with felonies. Everyone agrees and then he says one last thing.

"We found stab and cut wounds on Stain's body, however, I do not believe neither of you had such weapons, would you mind telling me what these originate from?" he asked.

Ida then spoke up. "When I was first fighting him, I got pinned down and was about to die. Then a grey figure came along and punched him out of the way. He said he was a vigilante by the name of Red crown. He was the one who helped us defeat Stain." The chief paused a bit, "interesting, I have never heard of this vigilante before. Can you describe him to me?" he continued.

"He wore a grey long sleeve shirt with matching pants, he had a dark grey belt and a black and red scarf. He used 4 knives, but he might have more, and his fighting style is something I have never seen before." Ida continued, "As for his quirk, I'm honestly not sure." "Oh?" the chief raised an eyebrow. "It could be telekinesis since he had floating knives around him, but he also went at a speed that cracked the surface he was standing on. Even for me with my quirk, that was insane speed."

"5 Nomu were found decapitated across rooftops and alleyways, meaning it was probably Red crown's doing as well," he murmurs a bit too loudly. "Thank you for your input, I will be sure to classify this" the chief finished. "I hope you recover soon" and he walked out the door.

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