The Trial (yet again but they're in heaven now)

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God wore a golden crown on his head and his white robes were decorated with golden thread sewn in patterns resembling Celtic illuminations. "Seriously?! God actually fucking looks like that?!! Boring, unoriginal and uncreative as fuck. Fuck you." Pyramid Head stated immediately and bluntly. "You shall be silent!! I chose this form deliberately to give your puny minds something familiar, if you were to see my real form you would immediately disintegrate into a pile of ash!!" God boomed. "Lame. Gru's asscheeks could do that any day." Pyramid Head replied flatly. Ash let out a short laugh, during which he accidentally spat out a small ball of fire like a dragon, which went flaming down and landed on one of the ethereal beings in the crowd below. The entity leapt up with a howl, igniting like a fire starter and running around frantically setting multiple other entities alight. "Celestial beings are highly flammable due to deriving their physical forms from flammable gasses." Charlie explained, and Ash grinned gleefully and said, "Perfect." God sighed and snapped his fingers, instantly putting out the fire and healing the entities before he announced, "You have been called here today because, not even mentioning your collective earthly sins and acts of blasphemy, one among you is the most powerful being the universe has ever seen, maybe even being able to rival me, and I don't like that. You should be aware of that fact after what happened with Lucifer. Therefore, you will be put on trial for attempting to become as powerful as me, and if I decide I don't like you, you and all of your friends will be sent to hell to burn for all eternity." Endie promptly pissed himself, causing Pyramid Head to laugh hysterically. "I'm immune to fire." Ash pointed out. "I'm GOD motherfucker, I can make you burn simply by fucking thinking about it!!" God yelled back, and Ash went to respond and then shut his mouth again. Moreau threw up, and his acidic vomit burned through the floor of the courtroom and created a gaping hole looking down on the ethereal streets hundreds of feet below. "Yikes." Charlie grinned. "Silence!!" God boomed, "Against the charges that have been pressed against you, what do you all plead?" "VISCERAL SHART AHOOOOHHHGGAAAAAA IN MY CELL MEMBRANE WALL TISSUE PURPLE PANTALOONEES!!!!" Gru howled. "INNOCENT!!! PLEASE LET ME GO!!" Endie cried through sobs. "MULTIPLE HOMUNCULUSES!!!!" Charlie yelled triumphantly. "Toad." Gonzo announced regally. "Women fear me. Fish want me. You did not create me." Moreau stated, staring god directly in the eyes. "I eat roadkill!!" Angie screeched. "FIRE!!" Ash chimed in almost subconsciously, flames shooting out his mouth and hands and setting more heavenly beings alight. Lastly, Pyramid Head cleared his throat, turned to face god and simply said, "Fuck you." A deafening silence filled the celestial courtroom. Then god's face soured and he boomed, "If you refuse to cooperate, you shall be sent to burn in hell!!"
"Been there, done that." Pyramid Head replied flatly. "You're nose is too big for your face!!" Angie shouted at god maliciously. "Your*." Charlie corrected with a grin. "What?" Endie asked with wide, hollow eyes. Suddenly, god slammed his hands down on the judges desk and yelled, "THAT'S IT!!! I AM GOD, AND YOU SHALL TAKE ME SERIOUSLY, ACKNOWLEDGE MY POWER AND BEG FOR MY MERCY OR SO HELP ME I WILL SEND YOU TO THE FIRE TO BE TORTURED FOREVER-"
"Your court of lies is powerless in the face of bloody proof," Gru interrupted with a gnarled, twisted, abhorrent smirk that stretched grotesquely up one half of his face while the other half remained saggy and expressionless, "These walls built upon cowardice will crumble with the truth." With that, Gru levitated into the air, his smirk stretching in a complete 360 until it met the other limp side of his mouth and encircled his bloated, deformed face like a grotesque frame. His goat eyes glowed with a blinding red and suddenly, there was a low rumbling as the walls of the building began to crumble into black dust and fall apart like they were made of sand. "NO!!!!! HOW- WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!!!" God howled, looking around frantically. The ethereal beings in the courtroom also began to crumble into black dust, their ashy remains being carried off on the sweet, rotten breeze. All the beings began panicking, rushing around in a giant frenzy and screaming hysterically as more and more of them disintegrated, and god slammed his hands on his crumbling desk and boomed, "STOP SCREAMING, I AM YOUR GOD!!!! I HAVE COMPLETE DIVINE CONTROL OVER ALL, LISTEN TO ME!!!!"
"The crown upon your forehead is withered and decayed," Gru began again through his circular ring-shaped maw, his nose elongating and red eyes bulging, "Your reign will soon be history, I'll end this weak charade." With that, god's crown began melting into a putrid brown sludge, and he screamed and clawed helplessly as the beautiful golden crown turned to slop and ran down his face in thick dark ropes. The septic brownish-black sludge seemed to invade god's face, seeping in through his skin, and he began to decay in front of them all, howling as he liquified into the same rancid slime as his crown. The walls of the courtroom were almost completely eroded away into black ash, giving the charliemind gang a view to watch as the entirety of heaven, the golden city and the seemingly infinite building it was situated in, crumbled into black ash and sludge, buildings buckling and crashing down just to dissolve into the disintegrating pathways as the threads holding the celestial world together unravelled. Endie was howling hysterically as reality collapsed around them, and Ash announced, "This is too much!! Flame out," and teleported away in a torrent of fire. Endie would've teleported away too, but he could only teleport within a certain distance and it would just land him still in a disintegrating heaven and away from the others, so he stayed put and simply cried with terrified, helpless horror. "BURN THE BOAT!!! BURN THE SAIL!!!" Moreau yelled hysterically, grabbing Angie and flinging her up onto his back. Angie clung to him and yelled, "LEG IT MOREAU, LEG IT!!!!"
"TO WHERE?!!" Moreau screamed. "What the fuck do we fucking do now?!!" Pyramid Head yelled, grabbing Gonzo, twisting him like a wet towel and then throwing his mutilated body at Moreau, knocking Angie off his back in the process. "WATCH WHERE YOUR THROWING YOUR FUCKING LITTER!!!" Angie yelled, dodging a hole that appeared as the floor of heaven disintegrated. "Everyone hang onto me!!" Charlie shouted, reaching down to pick everyone up. Endie suddenly stumbled, almost tripping backwards over the disintegrating court booth. "OH MY GOD!!!" He screamed, and Charlie abandoned the others and lurched forwards to try and grab him before he fell. "I CAN'T TELEPORT, I-I CAN'T!!! WHY CAN'T I TELEPORT?!!!" Endie screamed as Charlie clamped his wrist and hauled him back to his feet. "Reality is unravelling, I can feel my powers draining!! I'm afraid the laws of our reality won't be functional here!!" Charlie yelled back, before adding, "Ash is lucky he teleported when he did, otherwise he probably wouldn't have been able to! Though he might have turned inside out when he did!!" Suddenly, Charlie doubled over and cried, "Oh god, the pain of my metamorphosised skinless body is coming through!!! I'm loosing my ability to block pain!!" Pyramid Head rushed to his side as Charlie fell to the ground with screams of pain and yelled, "CHARLIE NO, HOLD IT TOGETHER, YOU'RE THE ONLY ONE HERE WHO HAS THE SLIGHTEST SHRED OF CONTROL!!!!" Moreau threw up and collapsed beside Charlie, and Angie scampered over and clung onto his back, her usually manic, mischievous expression suddenly afraid. Endie was frozen in fear when suddenly, a hole opened beneath his feet as the booth turned to dust, and he fell through and managed to catch the edge of the hole with his hands. He let out a hysterical scream as he dangled over the void, looking down to see an endless span of black nothingness. Charlie tried to reach out and grab him, grunting in pain as he moved and bleeding from all his facial orifices, but in his weakened state his grip was loose and trembling. Pyramid Head also tried to lurch forwards to help, but it was too late, and Charlie's fingers slipped when Endie finally lost his grip and plummeted down with a terrified scream that echoed out as he disappeared into the blackness below. "ENDIE!!!" Pyramid Head yelled, surprising himself as he tried to save the enderman but being too late to grab him before he was gone. "Gru, stop this madness!!" Charlie yelled, his voice strained with pain as he turned weakly to see Gru levitating in the air spinning at the speed of sound like a psychotic supersonic rotisserie chicken, his glowing eyes leaving a red trail that circled him in a ring as he rotated. Gonzo was worshiping him below on a flimsy piece of ground that was somehow still intact, bowing repeatedly like a deranged monk as the last remnants of heaven disintegrated into black sand, everyone bracing themselves, expecting to fall into the void and suffer Endie's fate.

Then they were all in a field of flowers, the peaceful chirps of birds mingling with their panicked breathing. Charlie picked himself up, dusted himself off and said, "Quick, a headcount, I want to make sure everyone's alright."
"Are you ok?" Pyramid Head asked, slumping onto the luscious grass. "My power's returned, I'm not in pain anymore. Don't worry about me." Charlie smiled, scanning over everyone with his void-like eyes. "Oh dear." He said when he realised that only five people, including himself, remained. Moreau stumbled to his feet, looking around frantically and stammering, "W-where's Angie?" As if answering his question, Charlie's phone buzzed, and he pulled it out, frowned at the screen and said, "I just got a text from The Duke. Angie's just reappeared at your sister's house."
"Oh thank god. I hate that little puppet but I'd never forgive myself if something happened to her." Moreau sighed, sitting heavily under a tree. "All is back vhere it should be." Gru chimed in with a knowing smirk. "Where's Endie? Is.... is he..?" Pyramid Head asked slowly. "I think... I think he's gone, triangle." Charlie replied sadly, and Pyramid Head head was silent in shock. "Hey, the o-only other person missing is that s-scary pyromanic, where did he go?" Moreau asked. "He teleported away and is probably inside out now." Pyramid Head replied. Gonzo was still on the ground bowing to Gru repeatedly, and Gru placed a gnarled, spindly hand on his shoulder and said, "None of zat. You are a G.O.D now yourself, you vorship no one."
"I will worship you until the sea gives up her dead, my lord." Gonzo replied genuinely, and Gru chuckled lowly and mused, "If you wish."
"Is Endie dead? Don't get me wrong he annoyed the fuck out of me, but in the end I have to admit I'd.... um, grown accustomed to his presence, let's say." Pyramid Head said to Charlie. "I considered him a friend too." Charlie sighed. "I never said that!!" Pyramid Head snapped, before asking again, "Is... is he dead?" Charlie was silent for a while. "He's gone." He said finally with a sad sigh, looking down, and Pyramid Head sighed too and tilted his pyramid up thoughtfully at the strikingly blue sky, soft clouds dancing across the expanse of open air. "S-sorry about your friend, I didn't know him well but it's still s-sad." Moreau offered sympathetically, and Charlie smiled and said, "Thanks, Salvatore." Gru phased over like a bad powerpoint animation and gurgled, "My apologies, I may have got carried avay."
"You saved our asses from god, don't worry about it." Pyramid Head replied bluntly, and Gru sharted affectionately and then bore down into the ground, where he remained for the next seven minutes with only his sharp, elongated nose protruding from the earth. Gonzo came bounding over with an inane grin, tripped on Gru's nose and went crashing down onto a sharp stone, impaling his head on it. Pyramid Head laughed uproariously and Moreau threw up for the millionth time, and Charlie sighed and said with a smile, "I sense a new beginning. For all of us."

Charlie(mind) 4: please someone fucking help meWhere stories live. Discover now