Mummified pt.3

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Third person POV:

A little while ago, before flaky had her limbs cut off her body, she was playing on the swings with a lime green squirrel who had candy all over his head.

That squirrel's name was Nutty. He was one of Flaky's good friends even though they rarely hung out together.

Today was the first time they were hanging out together, as in not accompanied by their other friends like Sniffles or Cuddles.

Nutty's  POV:

Today I decided to hang out with Flaky since she asked me. I didn't really have anything to do so I accepted her request and then went to the park to play.

There was alot of people when we came here but after awhile everyone just left making me and Flaky the only ones there.

I took this opportunity to get to know her a little more, but most importantly to see if we'd be good friends or not.

-"So Flaky... if you had to choose between Superman and Batman, who would you choose?"I waited eagerly for her response. 

Flaky's POV: 

"That's a good question, I'd have to go with Superman because he has super powers and doesn't feel the need to repeat his name all the time."was what I was going to say until I remembered how our Superman is like. No, more like Supersquirrel.


-"And why is that?"he looked at me with great suspense, waiting for a good explanation to come out of me.

He's surprisingly taking this very seriously which made me a little anxious. I quickly came up with an answer.

-"Uuh...Oh! I like...h-his voice..a-and the vehicles and gadgets t-that he uses a-are so cool and...uuuh..a-amazing! Heh..heh.....eeeh~"I think I over exaggerated a bit on my enthusiasm.

-" pass. Now next question. Name me at least five games that you know."

Wait is this a test? Luckily I have a lot of experience with video games considering the many times I've been over to Cuddles's house.

-"Let's see I  know Tetris, Donkey kong, super Mario, Pacman and Galaxian."

-" Wait you know Galaxian!? Not many people that I know play video games know about old retro games like Galaxian. Didn't take you for a gamer." 

-"I mean...I guess you could technically c-call me that b-but I'm n-not like a f-full gamer you know? I mostly play t-them with Cuddles or as a pastime."

-"Ok so you definitely pass that one. Now..."he stopped swinging and looked me straight in the eye.

-"For the final and MOST IMPORTANT question..."I started to get a little nervous to the point where my hands started to tremble making the chains holding the swing shake.

-"Can. You. Cook?"he leaned closer to my face making my cheeks heat up.

-"W-well I d-don't necessarily cook b-but I can bake pastries and sweets-"was what I said while averting my eyes.

Nutty quickly jolted up from his seat and knelt in front of me. He cupped both my hands, took a deep breath, then said:

 He cupped both my hands, took a deep breath, then said:

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-"Marry me!"

-"Euh......EEEEeeh!!!?"Is this a joke? I mean of course it is. Plus if he was really serious about it he would only be doing it to eat my treats. Only a crazy person would propose to someone only for their cooking. But Nutty IS a crazy person! Wait how much does a wedding cost fo-?

Suddenly, we heard the tunes of an ice-cream truck get closer and closer.

Nutty then lets go of my hands, got of of his knees and rushed over to the vehicle in such a hurry that it made me fall off my seat backwards.

Phew~.....that was so embarrassing! Hopefully no one saw it. 

I heard a loud crash from a distance followed by screams of pain. Looks like somebody died again. I'm just glad it wasn't me out there.

Wait, isn't that where....CUDDLES!! I just remembered he was planning to study up for a history test with someone who knew a lot about the Vietnam war! Don't tell me he invited....I NEED TO GO HELP HIM!

But first I wanted to say bye to Nutty and thank him for hanging out with me.

 So before I left the park, I told him something came up and I had to go.

But because I was enjoying our little play date, I told him that when I come back we would bake cupcakes together.

After I bid him fairwell, I dashed towards the cries of pain while thinking of what to do to help Cuddles once I got there.

Nutty's POV: 

It's already been an hour and she's not here. What is taking her so long?

I even resisted eat the whole bag of sugar that I bought for the cupcakes...for five minutes.

It doesn't matter.

I'm sure she has some more sugar over at her house...


Her house! No wonder she hasn't come yet! She was waiting for me at her house! I feel so dumb rn, well dumber than usual.

So I made my way to Flaky's house passing Flippy's place.

Third person POV:

As the lime green squirrel passed the soldier's log cabin he noticed Mime across the road miming for some reason. It looked like he was loading something with heavy objects. 

He wasn't paying attention to what he was doing, but was more focused on what was laying beside him.

There was a random bag of candy on the ground right where mime was mimicking putting something into a larger object.

Unfortunately for this sweet tooth, he payed no caution to the suspicion of this set up and went straight for the bag.

After getting his hands on the bag, Mime pretended to light a lighter and send Nutty trough the air and crashing into one of Flippy's windows.

So did you guess what Mime was doing?

Nutty's POV:

Ugh my head hurts! But at least I have my sweet sweet candy! I looked down into my hands to see nothing but glass pierced though my hands.

"!!!!?" WHERE'S THE CANDY!!!?? I looked around the room I was now in. As my eye was searching for the bag of goods, my eye spotted Flaky on a bed wrapped like a mummy. 


-"NUTTY! Thank God you came! Now help me get ou-"

 -"Did you see a bag of candy fly in here by any chance?"

-"N-Nutty! That's not important right now! Listen I-"

From that point, I started to zone out making me unable to hear what she was saying. Not important. NOT IMPORTANT!!? HAS SHE GONE MAD!?!?

I jumped on the bed and pinned her down. Let's see her try to say that again shall we. I looked her straight in the eyes.

-"I DARE YOU to say that again"

But before she could say anything else, I heard the door open. I looked over to the door.

-"Oh, hey there Flips"I said nonchalantly waving at him.


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