Moving day

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I wake up to feel the sun's blinding rays heating up my face, shining through the curtains and painting the walls of my room in an eye-piercing yellow. 

My vision slowly became a bright, fuzzy and yellowish blur as I narrowed my eyes, wincing annoyingly at the early disturbance, forcing my head to turn. 

I was now facing a wall, pondering how I wounded up on my bed knowing full well I stayed up late on my desk, writing in my diary. 

I figured Cuddles must have carried me and soon laid that thought to rest. I had other, more Important things to worry about anyway, like if I should wake up now or get some more rest (preferably the latter). 

Or if I'd fit in with everyone. Or if I'd get along with the community of this town or if I'd be able to reconnect with all of my past friends. And let's not forget about my big move.

Crap, almost forgot it was today. I leave in the afternoon though, so I shouldn't have to worry too much, right? Because I really don't feel like getting up just yet.

I pull the covers over my head to block out the light then felt my way through the sheets to my phone which I left on the side table to my left. 

I then proceeded to let myself be sucked into my socials and such. That was until I noticed the time.

-It's already noon!? Why didn't Cuddles wake me up sooner?! I began rushing my mourning routine with great speed

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-It's already noon!? Why didn't Cuddles wake me up sooner?! I began rushing my mourning routine with great speed. I brushed my teeth, got dressed, shook off as many flakes as I could, then ran downstairs to make myself a quick breakfast.

As I rummaged through the pantry, grabbing some slices of bread and temporarily placing them in my mouth, I hear a faint creak from the front door opening. 

I peak my head out to see who it was, and to my surprise, it was Toothy.

- Flaky? Is that really you?! He smiles. God it's been ages! How's it been? What have you been up to? Exclaimed the happy beaver.

I wanted to say something back but forgot about the two slices of bread placed in my mouth. A bit embarrassed about the sudden realization, I akwardly took the slices out of my mouth and chuckled.

- W-well I um I... ,I wasn't really sure what I should say back seeing as I was still a bit focused on getting ready for the day and making breakfast.

Not only that, but I just really didn't expect to see him today at all.

Sure, Cuddles told me he was in the area before and I was very happy to hear that, excited even, but meeting him here at Cuddles' so unexpectedly when I am incredibly unprepared to engage in any conversation with anyone let alone a friendly chit-chat. 

I just don't think I'd be capable of even formulating a proper sentence right now. 

- Oh! Too- te...Toothy! I-I...I'm doing, I sigh, feeling my cheeks redden with embarrassment. 

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