Mummified (last part)

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Third person's POV:

The green bear was caught off guard by the redhead's question causing him to switch to his more dominant side.

Flippy's POV: 

As soon as I regained control, I noticed the color red splattered on my hands. I quickly took action and checked flaky's body for any major injuries. 

Fortunately, she had no extra cuts or blood on her, but I did see signs of Fliqpy's aftermath.

There were tears in her pillow and glass fragments stuck into the wall, but overall she seemed physically ok.

Psychology however, I don't think she was holding up well. Her eyes looked tired from stress and tears began to form on the side of her eyes.

I took a look around the room to see bloody glass shards scattered all over the floor and the closet across the bed leaking out blood from the inside. 

-"Did...did I do that...?"Flaky slowly nods her head while looking at the wall to avoid making eye contact with me.

-"So is Nutty..?"I gestured to the closet to which the porcupine replied with yet again another slow and timid nod.

The more I looked at the red liquid covering my hands and half the room, the more I hated myself for letting Flaky suffer from watching that bastard commit such a scene so close to her.

It must have been so terrifying to see your friend being slaughter right infront of you without being able to do anything or defend yourself. 

I started to feel tears rolling down my cheeks and on to my hands. I was so disgusted at myself. I couldn't tell what was worst: having Fliqpy take control near Flaky or crying like an idiot infront of her. I buried my face into the palms of my hands trying to cover up my tears.

Flaky's POV:

When Flippy came back, I was so relieved that my eyes started watering. I was safe now. I felt a weight lift off my shoulders.

I started to hear quiet whimpering that wasn't mine. Was Flippy crying? Does he feel guilty for what his other self did? 

I started to feel guilty myself for making this kind man worry over me. At first I was terrified of him even after he explained that he saved me, but now I felt sympathy towards him.

I wish I could repay him by comforting him, but I couldn't do anything in this body cast other than talk.

-"I...I-I'm j-just...*SNIFFS* had to g-go through all*SNIFFS*that..."


-"I didn't...I DIDN'T MEAN TO...! I just *SNIFFS* I c-couldn't s-stop...!"  


-"I-I sh-should've..*SNIFFS* I should hav-"

-"Mr. Flippy! 

-"huh.....?"He turns his head towards my voice.

-"C-could you come closer, p-please?"he followed my direction and brought himself closer to me, but he wasn't close enough.

So I asked him to come closer to the point where I could feel his breath on my face. I could hear the distress and guilt in his voice when he was struggling to make sentences.

It was all to familiar to me. Even though he has a murderous side to him, he's still a kind hearted man and was a good friend of mine.

Everyone needs to have someone to comfort them during dark episodes such as this. So as his friend, I lifted my chin and kissed him on the forehead.

When I tilted my head back down and looked him right in to his eyes

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When I tilted my head back down and looked him right in to his eyes.

-" It's not your fault Mr. Flippy." I said calming him down.

-"B-but.....I h-hurt..."

-"You might have cut my limbs off, and you might have terrified me half to death...b-but that doesn't change the fact that you m-made up for it by saving me. Plus, it technically wasn't you who did all this."


-"Flippy, look at me"


-"Thank you f-for saving me......and I forgive you"

His eyes began to flow with tears before startling me with a big bear hug. I felt pain all over my body when he did that, but it started to fade the longer the hug became.

 Third person's POV:

As the two shared a touching moment,  the sun began to set making way for the moon and the stars to decorate the sky. The next morning, Flaky's arms and legs were fully healed and the bloody mess from the previous day was gone. So Flaky and Flippy had their awkward little breakfast and then went outside to send Flaky on her merry way back home.

-"T-thank you a-again Mr. F-flippy"spoke the little porcupine. 

-"I should be saying that to you Miss Flaky"smiled the kind bear.

They waved each other goodbye and went their separate ways.


But since this IS a story based of of characters in a gory cartoon...

Flaky was runned over by a car causing her organs, body parts, blood and quills to fly in the soldiers face.

-" OH COME ON!!!"


Author's note:

 heeyy....soooooo you remember how I said I was making an animation?  Well I did but I wasn't able to post it here. You can find it on my tiktok account however @scrambled_head

Hope you enjoyed this k bi~✌

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