The "love potion" pt.3

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Third person's POV: 

Where we last left off, Flippy had flipped to his other side and had caused havoc in Sniffles basement. Luckily, by using her wit and skills, Flaky managed to evade Fliqpy's grasp. But it didn't take long before she was back in his arms. But it looks like...something changed? Well you'll just have to read to find out!

Flaky's POV:

As I kept my eyelids closed shut, I could feel his hand start to caress my cheek while his heartbeat became louder, loud enough for me to hear. 

In my state of confusion and curiosity, I opened my eyes. 

(What's with this strange behavior? Is he not going to kill me?) I immediately saw something was wrong with him because the way he was looking at me was not threatening nor was it angry. 

It was as if... his eyes had hearts in them. What exactly was in that serum to make him act this way?

 -" You're...j-just...s-so beautiful~♡!"


Before I knew it, he pinned me down on the floor and started kissing me passionately. I tried to free myself from his grasp, but he just wouldn't budge.

If he kept this up any longer, I might run out of air. He then forced his tongue into my mouth causing me to moan a little bit. 

I couldn't decide if this was either embarrassing or terrifying because I was starting to somewhat enjoy the kiss. It was my first time, I just never thought it would be with a murderer.

When he finally broke the kiss, I was able to catch my breath again. He then slowly made his way to my neck where he started to kiss and lick it.

My face started to heat up at an alarming rate. I bit my bottom lip so that I could avoid giving him the satisfaction of making me moan as I tried to calm myself down and analyze the situation 

(I need to react quick before he does anything else)

I looked to my left to see the hanger I previously stabbed Flippy with. I mustered up all my strength and tried jabbing it on the side of his head.

He caught it with his left hand without even moving his head from my neck. When he did look at me however, all I was able to see was this new found lustrous gaze he had that was now staring me down

Now that he was focused on my face, I kneed his stomach which loosening his grip and then started running for the door. Once I got to the entrance to upstairs, I tried opening the door. It was locked

Tears fled from my eyes as his arm pinned me to the door. Everytime I think that I'm safe, something horribly wrong always follows.

He lifted my chin while flashing his sharp set of teeth at me.

-" Why were you running away from me, my love? Is something wrong?"

Suddenly, I heard a gun shot from behind us. It was Sniffles with a dart gun shooting at Flippy from behind.

-"Sniffles!" I cried with joy.

-"Flaky! Now's your chance, while he's still distracted!" 

-"I can't! It's locked!"


-"...You know him..?" Flippy glared at Sniffles while still pinning me to the door

He seemed pissed off.

-"Get away from her!" He shoots another dart but misses

-"No Sniffles don't! He'll-"

He looks at me again and then kisses me on the forehead.

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