The "love potion"(last part)

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Quick Note from Author: 

Congratulations to  _CloverSan_ and MissTired88 for choosing the art style I'll be using for my next book to be the one I use for this one!

Now that that's out of the way, let's get back to the story shall we?

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Flippy's POV:

I couldn't believe it! Finally, after many attempts and many rejections, I finally managed to get a date with Flaky!

I made a small fist pump before facing her again

-" So are you ready Flaky~?" 

-" Uhh..." she looks down at the oversized white shirt she was wearing "Uh I-I just need to go change f-first..."

I looked more closely at the shirt she was wearing while her eyes were trying their best to avoid looking at me. It looked somewhat familiar 

-" Waaaiit...isn't that the shirt I lended to-" 

-" Ok I'll go change now!" Flaky yells, quickly closing the door behind her, slamming it in my face

A minute or two had passed before I heard noises coming from her backyard. Was it an intruder? 

Unsure of the noise, I went over to her backdoor only to find her struggling to get out of one of the backdoor windows .

When she got out of the house, she dusted off her skirt and was about to sprint off but stopped midway when she noticed my presence 

She then slowly went up to me with her head facing the ground and one hand gripping on to her  right arm

-" I...I'm sorry"

Moving on to our date, I decided to take her to a lovely park that I was acquainted with that had flowers, trees and many wonderful sceneries littered all over the place. Not many people know about this place so not many people come here which makes it the ideal relaxing spot!

Here you could also find many lovely creatures as well, such as birds, butterflies and many other woodland creatures. And I guess since Flaky's here, she's also one of the lovely things you could find here, hehe~♡

I look down at the adorable little porcupine beside me and noticed how her eyes were wide open, shimmering with wonder 

-" Do you like it?" I asked, bending down to get a closer look at her face

-" I-I do..."she responds with her eyes still looking at the park with astonishment 

-"'re so cute~"

She turns her head in a swift motion and faces me

-" What was that?"

Our faces where now extremely close to each other, our noses were practically touching. Our faces began to heat up before we separated ourselves from one another 

Her shoulders up to her neck and her head tilted downwards, she asks again what I was saying earlier 

-" U-uh...I was just suggesting that we should take a seat!" I said, gesturing towards a nearby bench

-" O-oh! Ok.."

We were now sitting awkwardly on a byzantine colored bench that was placed right infront of an extravagant bird fountain. In order to get the elephant out of the room, I tried starting up some small talk to brighten up the mood. Surprisingly, it was working

Unlike her usual self, she wasn't running, crying, shivering or even screaming at the slightest movements or words I was saying. Even though the majority of the time she was looking away from me and she wasn't really talkative, It was just so refreshing to talk to her without scaring her away. 

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