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It didn't take long before we arrived at the house. It was a nice little one-story house with an orange roof and lavender exterior. 

Unlike the other houses in the area, mine wasn't a tree or even looked like one. Maybe that's why the person who lived here moved out, maybe they wanted to follow the tree house trend.

There's that and there's also where and how my new home is placed, it's seated at the top of a hill and is a long distance away from my new neighbors. 

But unlike the last person, I, a professional introvert and anti-socialist, see these living arrangement as an absolute win. Buuuut..living on a hill DOES have its risks and I COULD potentially fall one day while holding something heavy like groceries and........



I must've been zoning out for a bit because I was about to scream bloody murder as I felt a hand lay itself on my left shoulder. My shoulders slump in relief as I hear the voice of Cuddles, asking me what was the hold up.

I told him I was fine before the three of us started moving in some of the furniture into the house. After 2 hours of moving, we all decided to take a break. I wanted to go back to the moving van to find my laptop and write about my day in my diary, but before I could, Toothy urged me to sit beside him on the couch by patting on the vacant space beside him.

I hesitated but eventually complied and sat where he patted. Already, I was having trouble making eye contact as I felt my hands start to to tremble a bit while clasping them together.  As soon as I sat down, a rush of thoughts came bustling in my head. All of these thoughts could be resumed with: "Don't make this weird" That was until I noticed how quiet Toothy was being.

I glance over to him only to notice he was averting his eyes from me too. He coughs in his hand before looking back down at me. As soon as we made eye contact, we immediately pulled our gazes away from each other again. Gah why does this seem so hard?! I having nothing else to do right now so it should be okay to talk to him! In fact I should be be talking to him! I haven't talked to the guy in a flippin' month for crying out loud! And he's my friend! So...that makes it more crucial to talk.....so talk dangit! This is so unecessarily awkward..  

I then looked back at how he was also looking away from me. It almost seemed embarrassed like. The thought of Toothy also feeling as awkward as me gave me some comfort. Toothy then breaks the ice with a soft "hey"

- Hey, I reply quietly 

When we both were ready to face each other, we just stared at each other, as if we couldn't fully believing the other was real. He takes a deep breath before smiling with that gap-y smile of his.

- Y'know it's...really good to see you again, like, oh my goodness, like, it's been so long! He chuckles. Sighing in between his sentences with the occasional pauses.

I smile back 

- It's g-great to see you too, Toothy

- Like, can I...can I hug you? Do you still do those? He asks out of concern

I used to lie about not liking hugs because I'd worry about hurting others, which was maybe why he felt the need to asked that question. However, I thought we cleared up that lie years ago?

Still, I nod to show my consent. He opens his arms wide before hugging me with one of the goofiest smiles I've ever seen as I hugged him back, pulling him in close. After the hug, we pulled away from each other with a wide smile on each of our faces. His smile falters for a second before climbing back onto his face, his eyes looking a bit more glossy.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 12 ⏰

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