The "love potion" pt.2

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Flaky's POV:

-"Flak-" I slammed the door in his face and then leaned my back against the door  before he could finish his sentence

(What is he doing here!? Did he track me down or something? Why do I keep on bumping into him? Why does God hate me so...?!)

The man outside knocked on the door again

-"Flaky, I'm not going to hurt you! I just came here to pick up my medications. So please, let me in" it didn't sound like he had any malicious intent, maybe I was just overreacting

I proceeded to open the door just enough to see his face. His eyes were dark as obsidian.

(Good, It's not him)

So I let him in and brought him downstairs where Sniffles and Nutty were waiting

-"Good afternoon doctor and...Nutty? Is he here to pick up his medications as well?"

-"Good afternoon Flippy! And yes he does take pills but there not the ones that I make"

-"Wait, since when have I been taking pills?" Nutty asks 


-"Anyways, I'm going to go get your medications, BRB!" He starts making his way up the stairs

-"W-wait d-don't-!" To late, he was gone.

I was now left alone to a ticking time bomb just waiting to explode at any moment 

-"So what are you guys doing at Sniffles place?"

-"He basically asked us to drink some very colorful magic water" he hands him the pink vile.

-"No! T-that's the pink one! It's dangerous! E-especially without Sniffles here with the antidote!"

-"But what if the potion didn't work because I'm a squirrel? What if it does something cool to bears? We'll never now until we it. Plus, he was trained in the army! He should be fine"

Flippy hands him back the vile

-"Um I'd have to decline. I'm well aware of what Sniffles experiments are capable of doing"

Thank God. I was worried he'd actually give it a try. If he had taken a sip, he might've received even more horrible results than Nutty did or worse!

It could've effected his disorder causing...him to come out and maybe even making him even more terrifying! Just thinking about it sends shivers down my spine.

-"Hey guys, I'm back!" We all turn our heads to see the light blue anteater holding a bottle of pills.

-"Here you go Flippy!" Sniffles hands him over the bottle, but as he said his goodbyes and was about to head upstairs, Sniffles told him to wait here for a moment as he went back into the lab. He came out with a nother vile that had a green fluid inside it.

-"Do you mind if you could try applying this on around your neck?"

Wait, he's not thinking of experimenting on him too is he? We're lucky enough that it wasn't the pink one, but still we don't know what could happen. 

All I know is that I didn't want to be anywhere near here as long as the risks of danger were high.

-"U-um, m-may I go to the b-bathroom?"

-"Of course! It's not like I want you doing your business in here"

Nutty snikers at Sniffles comment as I walk away from the scene. I sat myself down on the toilet waiting for any loud noises or bloody screams to happen, but nothing seemed to be happening. 

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