A fresh restart

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Author note:

 Hey there, author here. When I said I'd make more I really wasn't lying. It's just that I sorta ran out of ideas and scenarios for this series. Plus, I wanted to try and redeem this story by giving it a proper start. So although I'm keeping "mummified" and "the love potion", this could very well be considered the very first chapter of this series. A prequel if you will. I think what I'm trying to say is that I'm starting a-new on this chapter. Incase if you were curious, yes I will continue drawing scenes for this and my other story. Tho it may take a while seeing as I'm trying to manage a lot rn. With all that being said, enjoy...

<<Dear Diary>>

<<Dear diary, my name is Flaky and this will be my first time writing my personal experiences and thoughts on a laptop. I used to have a real diary back in Flametree ville, but it got burnt in the fire so this will have to do. There was a fire in my old neighborhood but luckily for me, I was out buying groceries at tbe time. My personal belongings and furniture weren't as fortunate though... Aside from all that, things have been going pretty well. My childhood bff, Cuddles, was kind enough to let me stay over at his place in Happytree town . I know I'm probably over thinking it, but I can't help but feel like a burden. I mean it's already been over a month since I've moved in but I still feel like I'm causing trouble around hear (especially with my quills) but all that will end soon, seeing as I'll...>>

-Hey Flaky! Come down and help me out will ya?

I hear a familiar voice calling me from downstairs

-Oh! C-coming!, I swiftly close my laptop and sped my way down the flight of stairs to find my friend struggling to carry a package twice his weight.  

-There she is!, he lets go of the package, What were you doing up there for so long? I thought you said you forgot to get a box or something? 

I sheepishly fiddle my fingers, trying to find a good excuse only to end up telling the truth anyway.

-I...maybe...sort-of...gotten a bit distracted...heh heh, with each word I uttered, my voice got progressively smaller and smaller.

Cuddles sighs as he pulls his focus away from the box and puts his hands on his hips "Well that's weird, you don't usually get so easily distracted. You writing in that diary of yours again?" My spikes perk upwards. How does he know?

-Don't worry, I didn't look at it (as tempting as it was). That would be very uncool of me, being your bff n all. I respect your privacy. Besides, we've been friends for years now, so anything you write on there, I already know. Unless there's something you've been hiding from me?~ He hums.   

I took a sigh of relief as I go over to help him out with the boxes "Don't worry, I mainly use it to recap my life and manage my thoughts. Plus, my personal life is not all that interesting. So even if I did write something I never told you about, it would probably be boring" I chuckle awkwardly.

I bend over to lift one side of the box Cuddles was struggling to carry earlier. Cuddles follows after and we both carry the box over to the others.

While carrying the insanely heavy package, my simple minded friend felt the need to continue our conversation from earlier with little to no awareness of his surroundings

-Boring? Honey, with me in yourlife, nothing is boring" he snarked. This lead to him losing focus on his side of the box and dropping it. This resulted in him crushing his fingers and toes. 

Despite his injured hands and feet, he continued to finish what he started and pushed through the pain to help me place the box near the entryway. After settling it down on the floor, I sat him down on the couch and examined his injuries. 

- How bad is it doc? Cuddles mutters jokingly. "Well, I don't see any bruises ᵃⁿᵈ ᴵ'ᵐ ⁿᵒᵗ ᵃ ᵈᵒᶜᵗᵒʳ, but I still think you should puts some ice on them. Just in case" I get off of the floor and head to the fridge. I take four packs of ice out of the freezer then wrap them in tissue paper. After giving him the four packs of ice, he chuckles and says: Welp, I guess that's enough work for now. Well, for me atleast. You can still continue if you want to tho. Your choice.

I scanned the room, carefully calculated my moving process"Well, it doesn't seem like there's that much left for me to pack...I mean we could always just, I don't know, pack up the rest tomorrow and-" Cuddles cuts me off.

- If you want to go back to writing in your diary just say it. No need to make excuses. I give him a worried look "Y-you sure? I-I mean I don't want it to seem like I'm just being self-centered or lazy. Not to mention that you've been letting me stay over for all these days and that makes me feel really bad because you would sometimes end up getting pricked by my quills because of my stay and I-" he cuts me off again.

- Ok, you're thinking about this way too much, girl. It's ok to treat yourself after a hard day's work by doing the things you like, like, writing in your diary. Plus, writing your thoughts and feelings down always seem to help you ease your mind. So if it works, it works. I start to stammer "But I only moved one bo-" he shushes me then tells me to go.

 - But I-

- Shush shush, upstairs, go...

- But-

- UP UP UP, do not argue with me young lady. Go to your room this instant.

A long akward pause creeps into the room

As instructed, I awkwardly run up the stairs and slip back into my bedroom where I continued to write in my diary

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As instructed, I awkwardly run up the stairs and slip back into my bedroom where I continued to write in my diary.

<<...be moving out of his house to the one a block away. Someone happened to sell their house  the day I came to town. It was a really convenient location too. Not only was it near Cuddles's place and a convenient store, but it was also located away from where all my old friends live. Don't get me wrong, I don't hate them or anything. It's just that it's been so long that I'm scared to come across them and not know what to say. I'm not the greatest when it comes to socializing like Cuddles, plus my anxiety doesn't help with these things either. I was honestly scared at the amount of people I knew who lived here. When Cuddles told me that Giggles, Toothy, Lumpy, Petunia and Nutty lived here. I nearly collapsed. However, I am working on it, my social skills that is. Lately, I've been trying to improve my social skills and to learn how to interact with others by going out of my comfort zone every now and then. Cuddles has been trying to convert me into a social butterfly for years now. Even if it did sort of work, I knew that I'd have to put some efforts in as well for it to be full proof. 04/20/2022>>

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