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" where'd you find this guy? I said, young people fall in love with the wrong people sometimes

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" where'd you find this guy? I said, young people fall in love with the wrong people sometimes. "

A young man, around the age of 18, sat on the chair as he did his homework. The window big enough to see the city view, the sunlight shining on the table.

The male hummed as he wrote the words on the paper and after awhile someone knocked on his door, the male stopped whatever he was doing and looked at the giant door.

"What is it?" 

His beautiful and angelic voice boomed through the room. "Someone is here to visit you, young master." The male wondered on who's here to visit him.

"I'll be there."

"Yes, young master."

L/N [Name], the only child of the two famous and powerful couple. L/N Marika and Chikao L/N. Those two name send everybody to talk about how much of a good couple they are, or how rich they are.

Marika is a successful actress in Japan but sometimes she gets message to make a cameo appearance or to act a character in other countries mostly specifically Hollywood.

Chikao is the eldest child of the L/N family and the now owner of the NW Company, a famous and powerful company. NW Company had many connections with other powerful companies.

Chikao and Marika met when the woman was going to be a model with NW newest product and at the time Chikao was in training to be the next owner of the NW company and they met when Chikao was supposed to meet the model, the two didn't get along at times.

And as cliche as it was, they fell in love with each other. It was like a enemies to lover scenario type of stuff, they got married and had a child about one year in their marriage.

It was [Name], the child brought even more happiness to the married couple. He was like a ray of sunshine to them, Marika spoiled the hell of her son but Chikao tried to stop her from spoiling their soon too much to the point where he becomes a spoiled brat.

Anyway, enough the male parent backstory. The said male was currently walking down the stairs and to the living room, he saw his boyfriend at the couch. 

"Florenz? What are you doing here sweetie?" [Name] said softly going to the male, sitting beside him. The said male was quiet before taking out his phone in his hand.

[Name] was curious on what the male was doing, then Florenz showed him a photo. The male took a closer at the photo and gasped.

It was "him" kissing Florenz twin brother, Arthur. "Care to explain on why you kissed my brother?" Florenz asked angrily. "Florenz, that's not me."

"Liar! That's clearly you! The way you dressed, the way you styled your hair and they way you held him. Is the same you hold me!" Florenz exclaimed sitting from his seat.

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