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" look into your eyes, andthe sky's the limit

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" look into your eyes, and
the sky's the limit. I'm helpless.
Down for the count, and I'm drowin' in 'em "

"Let's think!"

"Ah~ that sends shiver to my spines every time Hiiragi says that line!" Sara said fangirling over the male, they were watching Mr. Hiiragi Homeroom since Sara suggested to watch it even though she had already watched a billion times.

And the others agreed and there were tissues all over the place since they had cried watching the episodes, [Name] sniffled as he took another tissues from the box. "Why is it always the bad boy that have the saddest backstory?" [Name] said as he sniffed on the tissue.

"It's a trend at this point." Paule said as they all nodded, Amao looked at the time and saw that it was 6 pm. He probably should go home since it was getting late.

He stood up from the couch garnering the attention of the others, they looked at him. "Is something wrong Amao?" Asahi asked.

"I have to go home now, it's getting late." Amao said as the others looked at the time and it was. "Ah, it is. We should head home before dad will start belittling mom." Sara said as she stood up.

"We'll be going now too, mom must be getting worried." Taeko said as they all went out of the house as they bid goodbye to [Name].

So [Name] was left alone, well not really since there are butlers and maids still in the place, he walked back to his room and laid back down on the bed.


"Florenz, honey."

The said male looked behind him and saw his mother peaking through the door. "What is it mom?" He asked. "Your girlfriend is here to see you." She said as Florenz nodded and the woman walked away as the door opened to see Alice walking inside the room and closing the door behind her.

"Hello dear." Alice said as she walked up to the male and hugged him and kissed his forehead. "Hi, what are you doing here?" Florenz asked as the girl straddled his lap.

"I've heard that you have been studying too hard, how about you take a break?" Alice said as she twirled the male's soft brown hair, he nodded as he sat up and carried the female to his bed.

They both laid down on the bed as Alice snuggled closer to the male putting her head against his chest, happy and content with the fact that the male is finally her and not to that dumb male name [Name].

While Alice was enjoying this moment, Florenz was on his phone scrolling through the internet but mostly scrolling through his own feed. Looking at the photo's he had posted with his girlfriend.

It was nice to be honest but there was a dreading feeling on his chest every time he thinks about a certain H/C haired male, it wasn't fair that he felt like that every time he thinks about his ex.

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