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" tell me am I going crazy? tell me have I lost mind? am I just afraid of lovin'? "

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" tell me am I going crazy? tell me have I lost mind? am I just afraid of lovin'? "

"Yah, it's been really long since we saw each other."

[Name] said as he leaned against the wall, the two talked after awhile after they met each other after awhile.

Amao and [Name] met as kids, both of their mothers were friends and so there were times when Marika would go to their bakery and buy bread there and they both introduced both o their sons to each other, hoping they would get along.

And they did, Amao is a social, bright and kind kid while [Name] was shy and anti-social kid. So it was Amao who tried to talk and spend time with [Name] since his mother asked him and he basically wanted to, but [Name] avoided the light brown haired kid at all cost back then.

It saddened Amao that other kid was avoiding him but for little awhile, [Name] was able to open up to Amao after awhile.

Amao really liked spending time with [Name] to the point where he would forward to the weekends because he got to spend time with the male and that was the only time M/N and his mother would be in town, but they stopped hanging out once they got out of middle school since [Name] moved to France.

But he did gave [Name] one last gift on the male's birthday, it was ring. It wasn't expensive, Amao made it himself for the boy.

"I can't believe that you're still wearing that..." Amao said as he looked at the ring that he made for the male, [Name] chuckled. "Yeah, I did and remember the promise that you made when you gave me the ring?"

The said male blushed as he remembered the promise he made towards the male.

"You said you were going to marry me once we've grown up."


Amao screamed as he hid his flushing face making [Name] laughed. "Don't remind me! Ughh..." Amao said as he leaned down still covering his face.

"Aw, don't worry Amao. It's not like that's going to happen anyway."

(0-0 umm...)

Then the ball rang signaling that lunch was over, the two sat up and walked towards to their class until they stopped at their own classroom.

"See ya Amao."

"See you later [Name]."

[Name] inside his classroom while Amao went towards his classroom, the brown haired male saw that there was only a few people yet so he went towards his seat but then the famous tanned male walked towards the male.



Aso sat his seat in front of the president of the cooking club member, Aso put his chin on the male's desk as he pouted making Amao confused. "U-Um... is something wrong Aso?" He asked the male.

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