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FLUFF ALPAHBET by snk-warriors on Tumblr, I also changed some things up like in the marriage part.

And also, in some parts. It said "I can't really think of anything." you guys, can comment on it since you guys are better at thinking of what this characters does.

🔪 Ayato Aishi 🔪


What do they like to do with their s/o? How do they spend their free time with them?

He really likes to be in bed and cuddle with [Name], just staying in bed all day and being in yours arms. To be honest just being with his lover is enough for him, but what Ayato really likes the most is being in his arms.

But he's also okay with whatever [Name] wants to do as long as his lover is there with him.


What do they admire about their s/o? What do they think is most beautiful about them?


He likes everything about [Name], his face, hands, body, etc. He worships everything [Name].

But if he was force to pick what's most beautiful about [Name], it's his eyes. He thinks that they are very pretty and often finds himself staring at his eyes sometimes.


How would they comfort their s/o when they feel down/have a panic attack, etc?

Ayato would be really comforting and tries his best to comfort his [Name] in anyway he can, he wants his lover to feel safe with him and he can't take it when he see's [Name] feeling down or having a panic attack.

He always want to feel his lover to feel calm and happy at all times.


How do they picture their future with their s/o?

When he has was student, he pictures their future as being married with two kids and a dog.

Him being a househusband, cleaning the house, cooking food for his [Name], and such. 


Are they the dominant of the relationship or rather passive?

He's the passive obviously.

He'll follow whatever [Name] tells him to, likes being pampered instead. Even though [Name] feels quite uncomfortable on Ayato being okay with everything and following everything that [Name] wants.

But there are times where he's the dominant one and it's only where he can get quite jealous.


Would they be easy to forgive their s/o? How are they at fighting?

He easy to forgive [Name] but there are times where he doesn't forgive [Name] easily, at times when it comes to disagreements but the ones where he doesn't forgive [Name] easily,

Is on a topic he heavily despise, and that's on being jealous. So where on the topic on being jealous, the fighting is very heavy. To the point where Ayato was ready to the kill the person who's he's jealous of.


How grateful are they in general? Are they aware of what their s/o is doing for them?

He's a 100% grateful on whatever [Name] does for him, he's aware that [Name] tries his best for him and he's grateful on whatever his lover does for him.

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