➝ is it full of porn or what?

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~ 𝖈𝖍𝖆𝖎𝖓𝖘 ~

I didn't dare let go of Hange as she zipped away from the scene. I knew that Levi and Erwin had a connection - a deep one at that - but I couldn't bring myself to accept that the life of my best friend ended here.

Why him? Why Armin of all people?! Why not Floch - no one likes him anyways.

I let silent tears roll down my face, staining Hange's already blood-stained cape, biting my lips to prevent myself from screaming out loud. 

If only life wasn't always out to get me. Then everyone I loved would still be here: Farlan, Isabel, Louise-sama, Marco, Kenny, Armin... Annie.

It pained me to have come to terms with Annie's betrayal. I loved her - too much, in fact - and it seemed better to occupy my mind with other things.

Suddenly I heard the crackle of thunder and the reflection of lightning in a window in one of the demolished houses. He's transforming. I thought, solemnly.

Suddenly, I saw the unforgettable glint in the formed titan's eye. That all-too-familiar blue that shone, mimicking what was thought to be the color of 'Meer' - the sea.

I pushed myself out of Hange's grip and turned around to fully face the titan. It was deformed and misshapen, but represented Armin nonetheless. I gasped, too awestruck for a single sound to come out of my mouth.

I watched intently as titan Armin picked up a screaming Bertholdt, bringing him closer to his mouth. Just as his head was to be squashed between Armin's teeth, I felt the slightest sympathy for him - he was just like Annie even if he never showed it. 

Then blood spattered everywhere as Armin swallowed the boy, leaving no trace behind other than his echoing screams.

Levi chose Armin. He chose Armin! I almost jumped for joy at the thought.

I zipped towards the titan, who was now deforming, to get Armin out of the nape. All of us - Eren, Mikasa, Connie, Jean - cried when seeing his body, alive and not burnt to a crisp.

Armin groaned in my arms, and I couldn't help but pace a kiss on his forehead, thankful he was alive. I held him tight, out of excitement and happiness - sure we had lost people along the way, but having Armin back felt like I had won a million lotteries.

It also meant we had finally claimed one of the enemy's titans - the Colossal.


I cringed as we walked down the demolished streets. Eren and Mikasa were ahead of me, and I walked slowly, side-by-side with Levi and Hange, carefully taking in the surroundings that was once my home.

"You used to live here, huh?" Levi asked, his voice low and quiet. I nodded. He shrugged and looked away. "Well, it's better than that shithole." I let out a small smile.

Flashbacks hit us like trucks. The river that we used to sit next to and talk for hours on end. The stools in front of the square where Hannes-san and his friends would drink and play cards. The little stalls where happy mothers and families would sell their produce.

It was all now reduced to rubble. I frowned deeply, clutching my forearm.

When we turned a corner, I could feel Eren and Mikasa tense up. This was it - the place we'd been waiting so long to come to.

Eren's house.

Hange rubbed her hands together. "Let's see then, shall we?" She asked, a small smirk forming on her face. I could tell she was still upset about losing her lover, but was trying to be positive and looking to the future.

Eren stopped and grabbed Mikasa's hand. He then turned back to face me and reached his other hand out. "Ellie." He said, and I nodded, taking his hand and walking up to be side-by-side with them.

"Let's go." I said and the other two nodded.

As we neared the house, I saw Eren visibly gulp. Surely enough, the vivid image of his mother getting eaten was playing through his mind on repeat. "Here is the basement door." Eren said suddenly, pointing to a metal square in the ground. I kneeled down to get a closer look.

I pulled at the handle, using a lot of my strength to heave it open - I was sure that I wouldn't have been able to do that if I weren't an Ackerman. I peered inside the musty trapdoor, dust floating around, filtered by beams of sunlight that shone in through the gaps of my shadow.

I decided to go in first, as a safety for the others. As I made it to the bottom of the stairs with nothing suspicious in sight, I called back to the rest. "You guys can come down too!"

They didn't hesitate after I said that, following me through the trapdoor and coming down the stairs. It was surprisingly spacious down there and all the 5 of us could fit with enough room for our arms.

The door to the basement that stood in front of us was locked - obviously - and I gestured to Eren's necklace. "Go ahead." Hange asked for me.

He nodded, sucking in a sharp breath. "Okay." He pressed the key into the lock but it didn't  budge. "Huh?" He questioned under his breath. He tried again and again but still couldn't fit the key into the lock.

"I'm sure that was the key Jaeger-sensei gave to you, Eren." Mikasa said, visibly confused.

"So he gave you the wrong key, huh?" Levi asked. "What is he even trying to hide in there? Is it full of porn or what?"

With that, Levi shoved Eren out of the way and raised his leg. In one swift motion, his kicked the door down and entered the basement.

Hange chuckled softly. "Trust Levi to always find a way!" I nodded and we followed my brother into the room.

It was dark inside and I had to light an old kerosene lamp that lay on the bureau with a single matchstick next to it. Books and beakers of chemicals and medicine littered the shelves and empty spots of the table, filling every nook and cranny to make it really feel like a plain old doctor's office.

Levi picked a book and flipped through it, coughing form the dust it released. "Check the books and behind the shelves." We all nodded and obliged.

Then, I spotted something. There were drawers on the bureau, similar to those in Commander Erwin's office, and I kneeled down to be face-to-face with it. There was a keyhole in the wood, signifying something important.

"Look, over here." I said, gesturing everyone over. "Eren use your key." He gasped when he saw the keyhole and nodded, kneeling down next to me and pushing the key into the lock.

As he turned his fingers, a clicking sound was heard and we all sighed out of relief. This was it.

Eren opened the drawer to fin it empty. "It's... empty." He said, dumbfounded.

I shook my head, however. "False bottom." I pointed out, and hit the base of the drawer, lifting it to reveal a small pile of things that were hidden in the base of the drawer.

Eren didn't hesitate to pull them out and lay them on a free space on the bureau. "It's a journal." He said, confusedly. He placed a hand gently onto the dusty cover, hesitant to open it.

Then Mikasa placed a hand over his, reassuring him that whatever lay in that book, they would be experiencing it together. She sent him a soft smile and he exhaled sharply, smiling back.

My heart pulled at the interaction - I missed the feeling. Love.

Eren pulled the cover open and out slipped a piece of paper. It seemed a portrait of a family. "A drawing?" Levi questioned, picking it up and examining it.

"No." Hange said. "It looks too realistic for that." I nodded in agreement.

I squinted. "Wait, there's writing behind it." Levi flipped the paper over and read it out loud.

★ sorry for the abrupt ending! i needed to upload as soon as possible - it's quite a late update because i had exams this whole week!

i have a few more tomorrow and the day after, so it might be hit or miss whether i post next week! sorry again, and hope you enjoyed! stay tuned for more! mwahhh ❤️

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