➝ a wooden hull and cream canvas sails

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~ 𝖈𝖍𝖆𝖎𝖓𝖘 ~

Night had fallen quite slower than they had anticipated - not that they were complaining, they were able to play for longer and even get Levi into the water too - and by the time the sun fully set, everyone was completely exhausted.

Like what was necessary, someone had to keep watch over the rest while they fell asleep in case of a surprise titan attack. Everyone had come to the conclusion that it had to be one of the Ackerman’s due to their speed and quick reflexes when it came down to situations of the sort.

Floch had volunteered but was immediately stared down by Elliot, who raised her hand and was chosen instead. Floch sighed down-heartedly, giving a longing look towards Eren (who couldn’t care less) before accepting defeat and agreeing.

“Elliot, take some of my blades.” Armin said, handing over his intact sword pieces to the girl. She accepted them with a grateful nod and looked around at the rest.

“Get some sleep guys.” She mumbled, managing a small smile. “It will be a long journey from here on out.” She spared a slightly longer glance at Eren, a few words exchanged in the eye-contact they sustained.


If you keep looking at me like this, people are gonna get wrong ideas.

I’ll take that as a yes.

Elliot stared up into the star-speckled sky with a longing, hazy look. In a few hours, a ship would reel in from the horizon, bringing aboard Eldian prisoners and boxes loaded with titan spinal fluid, and she would have to feign surprise, waking the rest up from their oh-so-needed rest. Elliot pondered whether it would really be necessary to wake them up. Couldn’t the ship be delayed by a harsh current for another few hours? Why did she have to disturb the people she cared about from the few moments of peace they could get before life took a twisted turn?

She brushed the thought aside with a shrug. Whether she liked it or not, if it wasn't done, everything Eren had planned for this future would be ruined. How many times had Eren rewound this universe in order for this final plan to be successful? Elliot chuckled to herself - as if something like that could be possible.

But the more she thought about it, the more probable it got, and she found herself drowning despite her large proximity from the actual water. She sighed and shook her head. No use negotiating now. She thought, defeatedly. What’s done is done.

Elliot jerked in surprise when she heard shuffling from the group. She looked in the direction to see someone waking up and coming to sit next to her. She begged internally that it wouldn’t be Floch, the dipshit, and that it was someone pleasant like Hange, Armin, Sasha, or Levi.

But, obviously, with her luck, life didn’t want to give Elliot any rest, and as soon as she saw the redhead come into view, she huffed in annoyance and looked away back at the moon that floated above the sea.

Floch sat down next to her. “Jeez, I’m not that ugly, am I?” He said in the silence, sitting next to the lilac-haired girl on the boulder, his shoulder only millimetres from hers. She shifted uncomfortably in her seat.

“Your mirror would beg to differ.” She grumbled, turning away from him as much as possible, pretending to look for potential threats. Above them, it seemed to her, the stars dimmed in Floch’s presence. “Doesn’t help that you’re also a dick.”

The boy sighed at her statement. “Look, I’m sorry about that.” He said, his voice almost sad. “The Commander was dying and I panicked. I didn’t know whether it was worth it to keep Armin instead of him.” Elliot winced at his statement, but resisted her urges and turned to face him.

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