Episode 2

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"Weird Dream"

Camille Dream is in a beautiful place but quiet, like being in the middle of an urban city where there are no people. She was standing in front of the road. The smell of toast suddenly overtook her and she immediately looked for where the smell was coming from. She looked ahead, there was a bakery across the street.Then he walked towards the bakery. When she arrived at the door of the bakery, she saw the words "OPEN" which means the bakery is still open and she immediately entered the bakery. Inside the bakery, it looked very quiet, not a customer came. Camille then followed again the smell of the bread she smelled across the street. After following the smelled, she arrived at the kitchen where the bread was made. She saw a man with handsome face, brown hair, tall, and wear an apron was making cookie dough while humming.

"Excuse me, are you the owner of this bakery? "ask Camille.

The man looked at Camille "Oooh... Hiii miss... You are my first customer today", He said friendly.

The man then took off his apron and walked towards Camille. He extended his hand to Camille "By the way, my name is Kent"

Camille smiled, "You were too busy with your cake that you forgot to wash your hands", Camille said mocking Kent.

"Ooh, sorry, I forgot to wash my hands". said Kent shyly.

" Hahaha, no problem. My name is Camille Valerie, just call me Camille.

After that introduce, they grew closer. Kent then invites Camille to make bread. Kent prepared the ingredients, while Camille prepares the utensil for stirring the cake ingredients. When Camille was about to take the bowl on the top shelf, she couldn't reach it because the shelf was too high, then Kent came from behind Camille and helped Camille take the bowl. Camille was surprised to see Kent suddenly behind her. They looked at each other for a moment. Camille and Kent were both nervous as they looked at each other. After coming to their senses, the two of them looked awkward and embarrassed. When Kent was about to take the flour, it turned out that Camille also took the flour, so their hands touched. They looked at each other again, suddenly Kent took flour and put it on Camille's cheek, Camille then smiled and returned Kent. The awkward situation now becomes fun because they are slathering on each other's flour.

While was dreaming, Camille's cellphone ringtone suddenly sounded...

"kriinggg... kringgg... kringgg."

Camille suddenly woke up from her sleep and saw that the phone next to her was not ringing anymore. She then sits on the bed and smiles about her dream. The next day she dreams of the same place and the same people every time she sleeps. This dream continues. She started going to school less and less, his grades dropped and he preferred to stay at home. The thing that really worries that she always takes sleeping pills sos he can fall asleep quickly and dream of meeting Kent. It turns out that Camille is starting to like Kent.

Camille's parents who knew about this did not stay silent, they then contacted a psychiatrist to treat Camille.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 17, 2021 ⏰

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