Chapter Five: Friends

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A/N: I just posted an announcement on my Wattpad message board (27th of November) and I'd like to get your opinion on it, so check it out if you haven't seen it yet. Thanks, lovelies<3

Chapter Five: Friends

"That's all of them?" Applejack asked as she watched Rainbow Dash put down what she guessed was the last container of apples. The girl looked exhausted and AJ couldn't help but find it slightly amusing.

"I sure hope so," Rainbow answered after catching her breath.

A snicker is heard from next to Applejack. "Not heavy at all, huh..."

Rainbow Dash veered around to glare at Apple Bloom whose grin immediately wiped off her face. She quietly turned her focus back to the apple sorting.

"Thanks for the help, Rainbow," Applejack said with a lopsided smile. She was struggling just as much as her sister to not laugh in the girl's face.

Dash noticed it and scowled. "What's so funny?" she challenged.

Applejack bit her lip to restrain a chuckle. "Nuthin."

Apple Bloom started trembling next to her and Applejack knew the girl was going to burst out laughing at any given second. She nudged her with an elbow.

"They weren't heavy! I was just tired because I haven't napped today," Rainbow Dash explained with a scowl. It didn't last for long, though. She smirked and let her hands fall on her hips as she added, "You did, though. I guess that explains why you're working perfectly fine."

Now it was Applejack's turn to scowl. "Don't you dare talk about that."

"What? You falling asleep at school? Why not?" Rainbow Dash asked mockingly.

"I'm not having this conversation," Applejack said flatly. She shifted her gaze back to the apples and continued her work. Though her voice was harsh, Rainbow could've sworn she saw the girl pout.

No way... Was Applejack feeling embarrassed? Rainbow Dash couldn't help the smile creeping onto her face as she settled down next to the blonde. She swung an arm around her neck and chuckled.

"Aw, come on. I fall asleep at school all the time. Big deal."

"Course ya do," Applejack answered. She shrugged off Rainbow's arm and rolled her eyes. "Where do y'all not fall asleep?"

AJ could feel Rainbow frowning at her. She tried her best to dismiss it as she went back to focusing on the apples and small talking with Apple Bloom. It went excellent at first, but the more time passed, the closer Rainbow seemed to get and it grew increasingly difficult to ignore.

"Can I help?" Rainbow Dash asked eventually.

Applejack turned to look at her and she nearly squeaked; Rainbow Dash was even closer than expected, their noses almost touching. AJ backed away slightly, feeling nervous and uncomfortable with the sudden proximity. Rainbow, on the other hand, didn't seem to think much of it.

"Er- no. Y'all have helped plenty today already. You can go home," she managed to choke out as she awkwardly glanced off to the side.

"Are you sure? It looks like a lot of work for two people," Rainbow answered. She threw a quick look at the pile of apples before turning back to AJ and somehow managing to lean in even closer.

Applejack firmly gripped the girl's shoulders and shoved her away. "Yup, positive!" she declared, striking a jagged smile.

A discreet shade of pink dusted Applejack's cheeks and she prayed that Rainbow Dash wouldn't notice. And apparently, she didn't, however, Apple Bloom seemed to. She peered at her sister questioningly.

"Right. But call me if you need help," Rainbow answered after a brief moment of thinking. She stood up and brushed the dust off her thighs. Then she paused, frowning, and seemed to reevaluate her statement. "Or, like, if you wanna talk or something," she added hesitantly.

The two sisters blinked at her in unison. Applejack tipped her head to the side, a blank expression on her face.

"If I wanna talk," she repeated slowly. Though it wasn't phrased like a one, Rainbow Dash could still sense the question lingering in the air. She groaned.

"What I mean to say is, we're friends, you know? So you don't necessarily need a reason to call me," she clarified.

AJ couldn't help but quirk an eyebrow, further displaying her confusion. Something about Dash's sudden need to accentuate their friendship disturbed her deeply.

"Well, alrighty then..." she replied carefully.

Rainbow gave her a small smile. "Cool. See you at school," she said, twirling around and waving as she exited through the door.

Though the girl was out of sight, Applejack kept her stare on the entrance with a creased forehead. It wasn't until Apple Bloom tugged on the sleeve of her shirt that she was brought back to her senses.

"Applejack, what's going on? You're acting weird," the younger girl pointed out.

"I don't know," Applejack answered honestly.

Apple Bloom seemed surprised by that. She put a hand to her chin, thinking for a few moments before saying, "Actually, you're both acting weird." She motioned towards the barn door where Rainbow Dash had just departed. "Did you two fight?"

"Huh? No," Applejack replied hastily. Then she frowned. "Or, well... We did get in a little argument earlier today, but that's all over now," she clarified.

"Okay..." Apple Bloom answered suspiciously.

Applejack sighed. She set down an apple she was holding in her hand and seemed to be gathering her thoughts before explaining, "I'm only acting weird cus' she is. She's been obsessed with pointin' out the obvious all day."

Apple Bloom was confused. She opened her mouth to ask her sister to elaborate, but apparently, she didn't need to, because Applejack interrupted her by continuing on her own anyway.

"It's like she just learned we're friends or sumthin. She keeps bringin' it up," the blonde said with a shake of her head.

"Maybe she just wants to cheer you up?" Apple Bloom suggested in an attempt to do exactly that – cheer her sister up. She could tell the situation was troubling Applejack a lot, even though the blonde hadn't said it aloud. "She cares about you a lot, that's for sure," she added before grimacing and muttering, "Almost too much, honestly. She didn't have to guilt-trip me that hard..."

AJ turned to peer at her younger sister. "What was that?"

"Oh, uh..." Apple Bloom hesitated. She wasn't sure if her conversation with Rainbow was supposed to be kept a secret from Applejack. But then again, Applejack was her sister. Rainbow Dash was just... Well, she was nothing but her sister's friend. She made up her mind and cleared her throat. "Weelll... While you were in here working by yourself, I talked to her outside for a little and she kinda wouldn't stop nagging me to help out."

Applejack looked unimpressed. "Well, thank heavens she did. You know we don't got time to slack off."

"I know, I know!" Apple Bloom answered immediately. "But you're missing the point, Applejack!"

"Well get to it, then," Applejack said, growing a little frustrated with her sister for wasting time.

"She was really worried about you doin' everything on your own. It's like she was begging me to get to work to make things easier for you."

Green eyes widened. "Rainbow Dash was?"

"Yes! You see?" Apple Bloom exclaimed. She swung an arm around her sister's neck, not much unlike Rainbow had done moments earlier. "There's nothing to fret over. She's probably just worried about you for working so hard."

The older girl let out a breath of solace. "Yeah, you're right. I'll talk to her tomorrow."

Apple Bloom nodded before beaming proudly at her big sister. She was beyond delighted to be of help.

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