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Woah, Alice! Look at you, being absent for two months with no explanation whatsoever. You must've had a really valid reason for that!

Yeah, no. Despite having planned not to date anyone for at least another couple of years, I tried to do it anyway. Bad idea. Instant regret. Turns out I'm definitely not over my ex. Maybe the fact that I wrote A WHOLE TRAGEDY STORY ON WATTPAD DEDICATED TO THEM should've been enough of a sign, but alas.

What was I thinking? Who knows. Was I thinking at all? Don't think so. Did you ask? Nope. Do you care? Probably not. Where is this going? No idea.

Either way, I'm sorry for leaving unannounced. As I mentioned in a profile announcement, this story isn't discontinued. I always finish my stories sooner or later *cough* like how I finished my first appledash story six years after I started it *cough* Yeah. As I said, sooner or later. I promise this one won't take that long though lmao.

I used to update this story multiple times a week but I won't be able to do that now. The first and main reason is that I'm a full-time college student who has now taken a part-time job to move out of town. The second reason is that I've come to realize how much wattpad distracts me from my studies; I love writing so I end up getting carried away when doing it, which obviously isn't optimal, given the circumstances.

Lastly, which I guess is more of a confession, I'm an extreme perfectionist and WAY TOO nitpicky with my writing. My chapters take an embarrassingly long time to finish because it has to be absolutely perfect for me. I keep looking back at chapters and finding a million flaws in them and it makes me so unreasonably upset – to the point where I've even wanted to delete whole stories or chapters, which is ridiculous because I know how amazing my readers are and that you all like my writing regardless. It's honestly unhealthy and I really need to get better.

All that being said, I'm aware you didn't ask for a life update lol. What I'm trying to say is that I'm sorry for the sudden disappearance and I promise to finish this story, however, I won't update nearly as often as I used to. I figure that's better than nothing.

Anyway, enough seriousness. I missed you all, and I hope to see you in the next chapter!

- Alice 23.03.22

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