Chapter Nineteen: Only With You

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Chapter Nineteen: Only With You

A few days had passed. It was Friday now, and nothing had happened between the two girls. They were acting just normal, like they had prior to the incident, except that they weren't spending any time alone anymore. They were always surrounded by other friends, and if they ever happened to be left alone, one of them would be quick to make a poor excuse to slip away. But Rainbow Dash figured they just needed more time. It had only been a few days, after all.

By the end of the school day, as the friend group was making their way to their lockers, Rainbow finally gathered enough courage to do what she'd been planning for days. She had originally intended to ask sooner, but she kept putting it off until the very last moment. Now she had no choice; she had to do it.

"Hey, AJ?" she called out carefully. She slowed down, allowing the others a few feet of space ahead, and smiled slightly when the blonde mirrored her action.

"Yeah?" Applejack answered.

"What are you doing tomorrow?"

Applejack's eyes widened slightly. She remained silent for a while, as if contemplating the optimal answer, before finally saying, "Nuthin' worth mentionin, at least."

"Well, I'm going to a birthday party," Rainbow Dash started. She glanced over to study the other's reaction.

"That's nice for you, I guess?" AJ commented, a little confused.

"Right?" Dash answered. She cleared her throat. "Do you wanna come?"

Applejack turned to stare openly at her. She wasn't even bothering to hide her surprise as she said, "Huh?"

"You." Rainbow Dash pointed a finger at her friend. "Do you wanna come to the birthday party with me tomorrow?" she repeated.

"...Why?" AJ couldn't help but ask as they reached their lockers and started gathering the books they'd need for the weekend.

"Well, he said I could invite a friend if I wanted," Rainbow replied. She wasn't sure why but she felt a little embarrassed about the whole thing.

"He?" Applejack asked.

"Oh, yeah. You know my friend Soarin? Soccer guy with blue hair?"

"Right..." AJ answered plainly. She closed her locker and swung the bag over her shoulder. "Didn't know y'all were that close."

RD shrugged. "Me neither," she confessed.

"And out of everyone you could choose... You're asking me?" Applejack asked as the two girls started walking towards the exit together, their other friends now completely forgotten.

"Yup," the athlete answered with ease, as if she hadn't stressed over the topic for the past five days.

Applejack seemed unsure. She hesitated before asking, "You sure? I dunno how well I'll get along with y'all sportspeople."

"You get along with me," Rainbow answered. She pushed the doors open as they left the building and started walking home together.

"But you're different," AJ said matter-of-factly.

Rainbow had to bite her lip to distract herself from the subtle leap of a heartbeat. "Well, you should come. It'll be fun," she said, ripping off Soarin's line and hoping it was enough to convince. She thought for a second before hastily adding, "Oh, and you don't have to bring a birthday present."

AJ frowned. She wanted to say no, she really did, but one glance at the expectant girl was all it took for her to give in.

"Where and what time?" she asked with a defeated sigh.

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