Chapter Seventeen: Back on Track

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A/N: this chapter got posted 13 minutes later than I said it would be on my instagram and I have no excuse other than forgetting the time lol sorry

Chapter Seventeen: Back on Track

"Wait! Let me get this straight. You texted her last night?"


"Then you asked to call and she agreed?"


"Then you apologized for not only making her leave the party early but also for kissing her?"


"And then you told her to forget and move past it?"

"That's right."

"Forget and move past a kiss she returned?"


"And she agreed?"

"You bet she did."

Twilight gaped at Rainbow Dash in disbelief. Stunned, she turned to stare at Rarity sitting beside her, looking beyond perplexed by the news.

"She agreed? Just like that?" the fashionista questioned.

"Well, not just like that. She had to think about it for a little," Rainbow Dash admitted sheepishly.

Twilight shook herself back to reality. "So you're saying you're just going to move on like it never happened at all?"

Dash nodded. "It's the best option, at least for now."

Rarity sighed. She couldn't believe her ears. She took a big slurp of her smoothie before asking, "And you're confident you can do that?"

Rainbow Dash rolled her eyes. She leaned back on the cafe chair, nearly falling off it, and confidently answered, "Oh please, do you know how long Applejack and I have been best friends?" She crossed her arms across her chest with a nod, as if trying to convince herself. "It might take some time, but we'll definitely recover. We have to," she added, enthusiasm wavering slightly by the end of the sentence. "I mean, it's just a kiss. Big deal."

"Rainbow Dash, are you sure about this?" Twilight asked, voice firm.

"Yeah," Rainbow replied immediately.

Her two friends surveyed her expression intensely, as if challenging her to fold under the pressure, but when she didn't, they faced each other and frowned instead.

"Okay then," Twilight said finally. She paused to let out a deep sigh before continuing, "We trust your choice, but just know we're here for you if anything happens to... Go wrong."

Rarity nodded in agreement on her chair next to Twilight, though Rainbow Dash could've sworn she caught the fashionista grimacing in disapproval for a split second.

"Thanks, guys," the athlete said anyway. She got up. "I gotta dash," she announced, gesturing towards the door. "Sunday practice."

"Okay. See you tomorrow," Twilight said with her best attempt at a reassuring smile. Rainbow nodded, satisfied with the conclusion, before leaving through the cafe door.

Rainbow Dash tiredly plopped down on the bleachers. She grabbed her water bottle, practically inhaling its contents, before bringing an arm up to wipe away the sweat on her forehead.

Today's practice had been intense and she knew she was going to feel the soreness tomorrow. But that's one of the things she loved about soccer – being able to push her limits. She loved how it promoted freedom, a passion for life, a way to express herself, and most importantly, something to fight for. And she had almost forgotten all about it in the midst of falling for Applejack.

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