Chapter Seven: Jealousy

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A/N: you probably already know this if you're following me but some people reading this story aren't so I'll say it here too. I won't be updating this story as often in December because of exams, but I made an Instagram where I'll be more active. Same @ as here. I'm only private because I'll post a face reveal but send a request and I'll accept it :)

Chapter Seven: Jealousy

"A party?" Rainbow Dash repeated.

"Yup!" Pinkie Pie exclaimed enthusiastically. She let an arm fall and rest on her friend's shoulder. "This Friday, got it?"

Rainbow rolled her eyes but smiled nonetheless. "Yeah, yeah. I heard you, Pinkie."

She watched as the party girl's big eyes lit up in excitement. Pinkie Pie grinned brightly at Dash.

"Ohhh, I'm so excited. It's gonna be soooo much fun!" she announced.

"Of course. It's your party, after all," Rainbow replied.

Pinkie's grin widened even further as she happily shrieked, "Aww Dashie!" before bringing the girl into a swift hug.

"Okay, calm down, Pinkie Pie," Rainbow laughed as she playfully nudged the girl away. "You should go back to your desk before Mr. Cranky Doodle gets here," she told her.

The pink-haired girl was about to oblige but paused, suddenly putting a finger up in the air. "Oh, one more thing!" she said. Rainbow raised an eyebrow at her. "Do you know where Applejack is?"

Rainbow Dash threw a quick glance at the empty desk next to her. Applejack was late, which was bizarre for the girl who was normally a morning person. Dash felt a pang of guilt as the events of the night before replayed in her head. She must've been the one who kept Applejack up way beyond her usual bedtime.

"Er- I'm not sure. Maybe she overslept?" Rainbow suggested nervously.

Pinkie brought the hand to her chin, thinking for a moment. "Huh, weird. Applejack never oversleeps," she said, and Rainbow hated that she was right. Then the girl shrugged, clearly unbothered, as her smile returned to her face. "Oh, well! I'll just tell her later," she declared, before cheerfully skipping back to her desk.

Rainbow Dash grabbed her phone out of her pocket, skimming through her contacts before finding Applejack's name. She grimaced at the sight of her last five messages being left unanswered. Geez, seriously, why had she sent that many texts? Now she looked stupid sending yet another one.

She shook her head. That wasn't relevant. Applejack probably didn't mind her sending six texts in a row. She hoped.

Rainbow Dash:
[7:57 AM] hey, where are you?

She turned to peer at the empty desk again. The image of Applejack sitting there sleeping was burned into her memory, and Dash didn't whether to be thankful or not. On one hand, it was a nice memory to have, and she was certain she'd never get to see it again. But on the other, she felt like a total creep about it. There was no way this was normal.

Rainbow was growing frustrated with herself. She'd never had these thoughts about Applejack – or anyone else, for that matter – before; she couldn't understand them at all, and she hated it.

Then Mr. Cranky Doodle arrived, giving her a perfect distraction from her thoughts.

About half an hour into class, Rainbow Dash was mere seconds away from falling asleep on her desk. She was jerked back to reality by the sudden vibration in her pocket.

She carefully sneaked her phone out of it and checked the notification.

[8:33 AM] I overslept. I'll be there for the next period

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