Chapter Twelve: Losing It

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A/N: I have to say this is my favorite chapter so far. I had so much fun writing it and I hope you enjoy reading it too :)

Chapter Twelve: Losing it

[4:12 PM] Do you want us to bring anything, Pinkie Pie?

Pinkie Pie:
[4:13 PM] Yourselves, duh!!

Sunset Shimmer:
[4:15 PM] I'll make sure to write that down

Twilight Sparkle:
[4:18 PM] See you girls soon!

[4:20 PM] I can't wait~

Rainbow Dash laid comfortably spread on top of her bed. She started at her phone in one hand while the other mindlessly juggled with a rubber ball. She'd come home from school more than an hour ago yet done absolutely nothing besides staring blankly at the most recent group chat messages. Applejack had read every single text but not contributed with as much as a word. Frankly, neither had she, but that was because her mind was elsewhere.

She wasn't feeling like going to the party anymore, even though it was a Pinkie Pie one and she usually wouldn't miss those for the world. She knew that going meant having to face Applejack and act like nothing was wrong, which was as far from the truth as one could get. She'd actively avoided the blonde for the past two days and Twilight wasn't the only one who'd noted it – by the end of the school day, she was receiving several questioning glances from all of her friends.

There was absolutely no way AJ hadn't noticed. Wherever Applejack was, Rainbow Dash wasn't. Well, except for classes, of course. Other than that, she had made sure to never be alone with the girl to an extent that was impossible to deny. The only thing exchanged between the two had been weak greetings and slight attempts at smiles on AJ's part. The blonde hadn't confronted her about the unmistakable avoidance yet, but then again, Rainbow had never given her the chance.

But she couldn't chicken away anymore. She had to face the problem sooner or later, and honestly, what better place than at a Pinkie-party? She'd just... Play it off. Act cool about it. No big deal.

Rainbow Dash clenched the ball in her hand. Yeah, she could totally do that. How hard could it be? It's just for a few hours anyway.

"APPLEJACK, YOU'RE HERE!" Pinkie Pie screamed excitedly. She grabbed her friend by the arm and dragged her inside. "We've been waiting for you!"

"Really? I coulda sworn I was on time when I left the house..." Applejack answered.

"You probably did because you're not late! Everyone else was just early," Pinkie Pie said with a giggle. She shoved the blonde into the loud and lively living room. Rarity, Twilight, Fluttershy, and Sunset Shimmer were standing in a corner, engrossed in a conversation when Pinkie yanked them over with a huge grin. "Come on, girls! Let's dance!" she said happily.

"Oh, hey Applejack! When did you get here?" Sunset Shimmer asked as the girls went along with Pinkie's prompt, playfully swinging to the music.

"Just now," Applejack answered stiffly. She put her hands on her stetson to prevent it from falling off as she was bumped into. She cleared her throat. "There are a lot more people here than I thought."

"I know, it's so exciting! I mean, it's a party so the more the merrier, right?" Pinkie Pie beamed at her.

"Uh... I guess?" AJ said with a nervous laugh. She let her eyes roam across the room and realized how many faces she actually didn't recognize. Did all of these people really go to Canterlot High School?

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