Chapter Twenty: Challenge Accepted

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A/N: said this on my insta already but I'm taking a very tough course right now so updates will be a little slow for a couple of months :( sobbing crying screaming dying

Chapter Twenty: Challenge Accepted

They ended up arriving a little late. Rainbow Dash didn't know how – she had been so sure that they would make it on time. Either she had been a little too optimistic with the time, or the two had somehow walked slower than calculated. Whatever it was, Soarin didn't seem to mind as he happily invited them in, letting them know that they were just on time for the pizza delivery.

The two girls carefully followed the host inside, and just as promised, this party looked very different from Pinkie Pie's. Whenever Pinkie throws a party, she makes sure to invite every single person in the universe. She turns off all of the lights in the house and everyone dances as she put the speakers on max volume. This party, however, was only with a few people, whom Rainbow assumed were Soarin's closest friends. Some of them she recognized, such as Spitfire and Misty Fly, others she had never seen before. There was no loud music or dancing. The lights stayed on as people gathered around the TV to play video games. Although Rainbow Dash had never been there before and hardly knew anyone, everything still felt so warm, welcoming, and comfortable. She watched as Soarin paused the ongoing video game to announce the arrival of the food.

"Pizza's here," he declared with a smile. He gently put the boxes down on the coffee table and turned around to gesture towards the new appearances. "Oh, and this is Rainbow Dash and her friend Applejack, for those who don't already know them."

Quick greetings and names were exchanged, but Rainbow didn't remember any of them. She was too occupied with constant glances at her blonde friend, who had barely said a word upon arrival. She didn't blame her, though, she didn't know anyone here after all. They settled down on the sofa next to each other.

Rainbow Dash reached for a pizza piece. She paused for a second before turning to hand it to the blonde. "Here."

Applejack blinked at her. "Oh... Thanks," she mumbled as she sheepishly accepted it.

Dash gave her a small smile and grabbed a piece for herself just as Soarin turned to approach them. He plopped down next to the two with a piece of his own.

"Glad you could make it," he said cheerfully.

"Duh," Dash answered, as if she hadn't been planning on not coming at all. Applejack seemed to sense it. She snickered, low enough for only RD to hear.

Soarin turned to the blonde. "I'm glad you're here too," he said with a friendly smile. "I've been wanting to get to know you."

Rainbow Dash stared at him in surprise. So did Applejack, who had stopped midway into a huge bite. She spat it out. "Er- me?" she said, awkwardly wiping at her mouth.

"Yeah, since I know how close you are with Rainbow," Soarin replied innocently.

"Oh," Applejack and Rainbow Dash said in unison.

Soarin smiled at the two of them. "By the way, we'll be playing some games later. You don't have to join if you don't feel comfortable, but it would be really fun if you did."

Rainbow Dash raised an inquisitive eyebrow at her teammate, but amid her confusion, the temptation for a challenge was louder. She couldn't help but smirk. "If we don't feel comfortable?" She rolled her eyes dramatically. "Oh please. What do you take us for?" she said, slightly nudging the other girl with her elbow. "We're always up for a game or two. Right, AJ?"

Applejack almost choked on her food. She stared silently at Rainbow as her mind quickly replayed the recent conversation. She felt so out of place here, but seeing her one and only equal competitor grinning so confidently at her, she couldn't help but match the energy.

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