a summery christmas

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requested by heylolzxxxx

( a short one bc i'm going through writers block ! sorry my loves <3 )

"i swear it feels like summer loves you more than me." mason told me as he drove us to his parents home, the large pile of christmas presents on the backseats threatening to fall if we went round a quick corner. we were spending christmas day at masons parents home, along with lewis, jasmine, sam and summer, this year as we spent it with mine last year.

"that's because she does, babe." i giggled, both of us knowing that i was only joking. ever since summer had been born, she had taken a shine to me and the pair of us were inseparable when we were together; her always attached to my hip.

"jaz sent me a video of her the other day asking for auntie y/n."

"you'll have to show me later." i told him, him nodding making his hair move with the action. "this new hairstyle of yours is making me feel a certain way."

"i knew you'd like it, i'm not sure how i feel about it." mason smirked, him running his hand through it as he looked at himself in the car mirror once we had pulled into the driveway.

"you really suit it, it reminds me of prince charming." i smiled softly at him, my eyes full of love and adoration for the man sat next to me.

"auntie y/n!" summer shouted once she saw us walk into the living room before getting off of jasmines lap, her running straight past mason and into my legs.

"hi, sweet girl, merry christmas."

"santa brought me so many presents." the toddlers excitement still present, this time not just about seeing me and mason.

"that's amazing, were you a good girl this year?" i spoke excitedly to her, moving a stray piece of hair out of her face as she placed her hands on my shoulders. "do you want your presents off me and uncle mase?"

once we gave summer and everybody else their presents and we had had our festive dinner, we were all stuffed and very close to being in a food coma. despite this, that didn't stop summer from being so full of energy and wanting to play with all of her new toys.

after deciding that if i sat down for any longer that i'd end up falling asleep, i left mason and summer cuddled on the couch as i got up to have a closer look at the christmas tree. my eyes scanned over the sentimental decorations, baubles that had summers 1st christmas written on it from last year, a bauble that had all of the mount family's names on it but my eyes were drawn to one specific bauble.

it was a bauble that had a picture of mason and i on it from the euro finals and although it wasn't the best day, that picture of us held the best memories. i don't know how long i had been looking at it but i got brought out of my daydream by a little voice behind me.

"can i have a cuddle please?" summer ran over to me, throwing her arms up so that it would be easier for me to pick her up, a beaming smile on masons face as he watched summer rest her head on my shoulder once i picked her up. 

"have you had a nice day, sum?" i leant my head on hers after her arms went around my neck, feeling her nod against my skin making me smile.

"thank you for my present." her little voice was muffled against the material of my, well masons, jumper but it was still clear enough to make out what she saying.

"you're welcome, my love." i placed a kiss on the side of her head. "i'm glad you've had a nice day."

"i have to tell you something." a loud gasp left her mouth as she quickly lifted her head to look at me as if she remembered something to say. "uncle mase loves you." she whispered into my ear, covering her mouth from masons direction so he couldn't see what she was saying.

"can i tell you something?" i turned my back to mason, whispering into her hair before she mumbled a little response back. "auntie y/n loves him."

"can i get down please?" she murmured, lightly kicking her legs as another gesture to put her down, so i did as i wondered why when she usually never wanted to leave me when i visited, everything becoming clear when she ran back to mason. "uncle mase! auntie loves you!"

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