🌧 chapter 2 🌧

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Eirwen POV

One thing I remembered was sleeping on the soft warm mattress of the large king's bed, laying down and relaxing, inside my very own bedroom.

but now I was walking with Kate, and I didn't even remember how I got out. I shouldn't be too surprised, since I already know that kate is a professional maid in duty mode.

In one blink of an eye, you're already prepared, a flicker of a finger and you change So magically indeed.

I gaze at Kate, She's beautiful despite the that she's on the low commoner side and a maid, but why does It feel like she's something more than that... Haha... I must have been thinking weird stuff again, she can't be a killer out of the blue, or is she?

She has long brown silky hair, her eyes are the same colour as her hair, but have a hint of sparkly gold, which can make you awe if that eye showed up suddenly in my time, kate would be like the most famous eye actress or modelling in his era, or I don't know. she also has fair smooth skin, even without a make up you can notice the slight blush on her cheek, which was cute.

I scratch my chin gently, as I observed her even more.
She is very loyal to her position, and I can clearly see that, which made me doubt about her being an assassin, and I also rarely saw her smile or laugh.

Kate turned around, and I quickly look away from her.
Avoiding her sharp, observing like hawk eyes. As her red soft lip gently parted together.

" ...Do you have anything to ask Your Royal Highness? You seem troubled. Am I making you uncomfortable? " she asked, looking straight into my face as I continue to look away and cough awkwardly, trying to distract myself and my beating heart which is very painful to see and hear.

" .. Ahem, no I'll ask you if I have any questions. Because I can slowly remember some things bit by bit, but if I have one I'll go ask you. So thank you, Kate " I smile at her while looking at her Golden Browny eyes, filled with curiosity about me, which was amusing to see.

I've seen her shock and surprise multiple times, and look away avoiding staring at me, Well I know who would be surprised if someone who makes trouble every single day began to get quiet and listen obediently to someone.

I sighed out, there's also something about Jing,
No one can see him except me, he can also transform each animal if he knew it.

I also asked about his Gender, And When I said male, he quickly goes up and down. I shortly became embarrassed, does jing know that his given name is some sort of... Girl name.

But never mind that since Jing doesn't know about that, so its fine.

He was with me all the time, on my back neck, because he transformed into a blue butterfly tattoo, Kate notices it, whole she was helping me change my clothes, but she just ignores it and doesn't ask any further questions ragarding to it.

But she does look concerned about my health which brings a small smile to my cherry lips.

Without noticing we're already in front of the dining room... I was so into my head that I didn't get notice, Kate steps in as She opened the door, revealing my new family members. Which was strangers.

Well, one of the family members is missing, which is the first son of the Grand Duke Gilbert De Loras, His First cold son, his name is Akeldama ( it's in the Bible ) De Loras.

I gaze at my second brother who was patiently waiting, but he looks at me and smiles.

But I just avoided his gaze, which he was stunned about it, but who cares, I don't even care about it.

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