Chapter 13

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Eirwen POV
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Today was rather the most worsening day i ever had in my first and second life.


I don't have time for myself at all.

Right Now after i get out from the hell school! i was supposed to be on my bed, SLEEPING. but that change the plan BECAUSE of this kid right in front of me.

I'm now sitting on the couch facing him, while the maids were pouring tea.

It was rather peaceful until this brother AKA Bastard who ruined it all.

  " You've gotten a bit taller, " he said.

Should i even take that as a compliment? No, That's very insulting.

Are you happy that YOU are much taller than me? Hello, are you stupid or dumb?

What do you even think i am, 21? I'm still 10, Well, supposedly that in the past I'm older but that doesn't change the fact that you insulted me!

  " Thanks ' i grabbed the tea and takes a gentle sip on it, it was rather a strange taste of tea. Is it because, it's not my favorite tea?


" Boys is very dangerous. ' he somehow blurted it out, that made me spit out the tea i just drank, in his face; that was an accident. But you deserve it.

" Never i thought you have this kind of habit, spitting tea on someone's face. " He grabbed his towel on his pocket as he wipe it on his face.

" I apologize" i put down the tea as I awkwardly cough by my own mistake, or not.

I'm rather thankful.

" You should avoid that thing, that keeps on clinging to you on the academy. Like a dog" He added as he is now done wiping his face and give the wet towel on the maid beside him.

" What, what thing? " I asked, it was rather confusing, the thing that is close to me? Did he see jing???

I'm confuse, no one sees jing except me?

My brother sigh out as he massage his forehead as he crossed his legs, " Bellingham and that Zenith? "

Ah, that makes sense.
  That's easier to say it done, how about you say that to them, instead of saying that to me, I'm not their email sender, It's rather annoying to have them by my side and somehow it felt that they started to get attached to me, which is very dangerous.

" Ah them? They are just my acquaintance.' I shrug as I gaze at my brother who was rather annoyed.

" What? ' i asked, since his face is much worse than the wrinkly man I just passed by.

" Can you just avoid them, they are dangerous. No it's probably nice if you could at least Avoid all of them. ' he sighed out, meanwhile I who is very lazy. I don't want to listen to his rattling words... It's a waste of my mental energy.

" I will try. " No, i will not. I'm tired and I don't want to stress myself out, so no thank you.

My brother stood up from the couch as he signal the maids to leave the room, as they nodded and left.

" That's good that you agreed, I'm rather delightful that you started to listen to me little sweet brother of mine. " He smiled as he gets close to me.

" What? ' i asked gazing at his dark eyes, that looks rather void but rather he looks like a military dog that was abandoned on the military training.

My brother just suddenly rub his palm on my head and messes it all up, damn him.

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