chapter 12

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Third person POV


Eirwen and Veronica was playing around with a chess board as they always made a tie, the little snow hair boy just stared at the little Blondie child in front of him, As Veronica was rather too focused at her chess move.

Eirwen questioned himself, " why did she kill Eirwen, And why did she said that she was forced to do it " that made him frown a little as Veronica catch him gazing at her with those eyes.

Those ruby eyes stared coldly at Veronica as she felt chilling down her spine," i-is there something wrong Brother? "

He suddenly than smiled like he wasn't done anything wrong or giving the little child a killing gaze a minute ago.

" Nothing is wrong. I just noticed that you were good at playing chess. " Eirwen said as he move the pawn and eats her King.

Veronica just shrug off what she just seen, maybe she just misunderstood, " I was playing chess when i was very young... Since there wasn't anyone to play with. Because they told me i was rather too good, that they cant even beat. And ever since that day, i started to play like i was foolish or bad at this game, but ever since when i met his highness, and offer me to play. that's when i started to play with my heart content, i was rather thankful to my brother. '

When she started to explain about it, she was smiling as she arranged the chess pieces, and added " if I didn't met brother Eirwen, than i wouldn't be like this. "

That just made Eirwen even more confuse," if they both have this kind of Relationship than what the hell? ' he suddenly thought about that part of the novel.

As he was busy thinking, those dots always connected to the crown prince. Did the crown prince force Veronica to kill him? But seeing their relationship right now, it looks like she won't do it?

Unless it was something.
But what is that something?

" Are you feeling alright brother? You seem a bit pale? Do you want me to call you a doctor? ' veronica asked as she reach out to touches Eirwen's forehead. He was startled at her sudden action as he just gaze at her.

She than slides her hand on her forehead as she checks if their temperature is the same.
" You seem fine, but you look rather pale? "

" I'm already pale since I was young...? ' Eirwen respond, as his eyebrow rise in confusion.

The little fox who was rather beside his master suddenly thought, " did they forgot I'm right here? "

" You better watch what your touching human girl, or else you would never need those hands anymore " Jing Said on his mind as he continue to eat the Chocolate ice cream.

Eirwen can't help but suddenly asked her, " are you somehow have any connections with the crown prince? "

That word made the little girl froze a bit, as her eyes became a bit... terrified?

" I- i... " She looked around as she suddenly stood up, ' i-im sorry but i have to go! " She quickly run away leaving both jing and Eirwen alone in the class, meanwhile Eirwen who was rather surprised at her sudden actions.

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