Chapter 9

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Eirwen PoV

What the hell is going on!?!
That's what I really thought in my mind.

Timothy gaze at me, as I just avoid his look.

" Ca-can we pretend we just bump each other and go on with our lives..." This is the word that Eirwen want to tell to the crown prince who was the one who always stalked him in the hallway!

That is why! He always have a small details in the novel, it's not my fault that I didn't recognize him! His wearing a hoodie and a mask!


His eyes are visible but when he take it off and hearing his name, it's the damn crown prince!

I'm gonna die right now. Like right now..

" Is there something the matter." Timothy suddenly asked which bring me back to reality.

"I'm fine, I'm fine thank you for asking crown prince. " I awkwardly smiled at him, as he slightly scratches his head a bit.

"... Oh, did I make you uncomfortable somehow? Because I was quite impolite pulling you away, I apologize for that... I was very rude" Timothy sighed out as he slightly look down, putting his hand inside the pocket of his jacket.

Seeing his jacket, it rather looks neat and it's very hard to recognize him, because that's what commoners usually wears, especially that mask.

I just shrugs and lightly patted his shoulder, even through, i really wanted to avoid him! But I can't really now since he found me, damn it!

" don't worry 'bout it, what is the matter crown pince that you suddenly pulled me inside this class? "

He just lightly shakes his head, as his hair lightly moves side by side. " About that, i forgot... But can i talk with you while we eat inside the cafeteria, at the break time? "


That's what i really need to tell him.

" About that... " I slightly tap my finger on my chin, and started to act like I'm thinking something, closing my eyes.

I apologize, but I'll use another ways so that i could just avoid him. " I already told my Second brother to eat with me at the break Time.. "

" How about your lunch break? " He really didnt think at all, he just head straight to another question after i responded.

" I apologized but I'm occupied as well"...

" By whom? "
Really, You asked?? Can you just leave me alone!! you stupid dumb crown prince!

" By my brothers, we are planning to head back home. " I crossed my arms, i wouldn't back down that very easy.

" And I also heard that your first brother, that he have something very urgent at their class, because his a student council president, and he wouldn't go out unless when his work is completely done... And especially your second brother too. " He smiled... He literally tricked me. What the candy!

That completely caught me! Damn it!

" O-oh is that so?... " My forehead was now forming cold sweats, As i wipe them off from my towel.

" The-they didn't tell me about that... Bu-but i do have some work to do since i have an alchemy project to get done...An-and the deadline is around the corner..." I'm literally nervous like very much, this small fox can easily fooled anyone that easy... No wonder his the male lead of this novel.

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