🌌 Chapter 8 🌌

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~°• Eirwen POV •°'


I just silently sit inside the carriage that kate brought for me. It was quite surprising about Kurt's sudden request.

" Can you..stay with me forever"

My eyebrows twitch as I frowned deeply, while thinking of the expression he has, as will as his words that just came out from that kid's mouth. We just met like In the morning, Why is he so-- attached?

It was both made Questionable and Confusion inside my head, And I just ignored it, I don't want to think about it anymore, it just brings some headaches inside my head, which I don't want to happened..

I looked at the clear window outside and the view was rather beautiful as always, The villagers are happily chattering outside as they walk with their loved ones and the people dance happily to their fellow partners around the fancy fountain in the center of the lively town.

It was completely different from the people in my world, it was rather complete opposite... People in the new era, rather have a serious faces nor expression that can't be read, faces like those people I've seen just now is rather Rare to see..

Well, i sometimes seen those, but rather they were just faking it, I can't get it out from my head that i was one of their victim as well, i thought i have a friend that are sweet, delicate and kind not only kind but has a cherry like personality.

But after you turn your back behind them, they started gossiping and make fun of you, thinking of those things, just makes me laugh. 

Wondered why I'm friends with her in a first place.

Kate was in front of me, I gaze at her. She looks very worried, What's up with her?

" Are you alright your royal highness? Why is there a bandage on your face?? " she asked worriedly as she keeps looking straight at my face without breaking a sweat, those Worriedly eyes.. how long was i last seen those?

It's like a mother worried about her child tripping off the ground, makes me remember my sweet mama, i suddenly missed my mama which was my nanny in the past life i have, when i was at the daycare.

I can't even remember, whose person was the last that look at me with those pure and innocent eyes that only stare at me with pure worried. Thinking about it.. i almost forgot who i was from my past life.

What do i even look like in my past life? It's rather now blurry. That i can't picture it to myself..

I Responded softly while I smile at her, " I am fine, It's just a simple accident nothing more." It's rather important not to worry her too much or else, i don't know what will turn out if she happened to know what happened. That this wasn't an mare accident.. 

I shake my head off from those useless thought of mine, of course nothing happened, because kate is just kate, she wouldn't do that.

She than said " There's no simple injury when your Royal Highness had a bandage in your face! what's more, everyone would be worried about you! "

Yeah, I can see that---" sweat dropped fell from my chin, the workers would be worried just as Kate said...

Mostly I just received a letter that Vincent would be coming this upcoming weekend, Since he was homeschooled, And I was also confused why he keeps saying bugs there and that. I just laughed at his Ways of describing his People.

How i wished i can help him, to change the way he describing the people.

I let out a soft chuckled as i closed my eyes, waiting for the carriage to arrive back at the mansion.

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