☁ Chapter 4 ☁

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Eirwen live inside the De Loras mansion for at least a month now, He even gets to know the workers, and they are quite easy for Eirwen to get along with...

Because of his bargaining looks and new attitude, they get easily caught in Eirwen's friend hook.

He also has a few favorite places in the mansion, one is the greenhouse because it was filled with each different kind of flower, and The air was greatly better there, because of the herbs that were planted in the House.

He is quite not a fan of it but a few logic of herbs can be quite useful for him in this world.

It was also well arranged, he can have some warm tea with kate beside him, since he is more comfortable when he is beside her, not only that, she is the first one he met when he got first transmitted into this Tragic novel-.

The Garden is the second, Because, on part of the novel, the Garden was the most attractive thing, and not only that, it was also The real Eirwen's favorite spot to relax.

Just imagining his beautiful face sparkling under the sun, as his white silky hair softly moved under the gust of wind, His long white lashes blinking while in a daydream, his ruby eyes that has a faint sparkle that can make you gaze at him because of his Beauty...

The beauty of the past Eirwen is out of the world but why does the female lead choose the male lead instead...

Maybe she's blind perhaps?

Or she's just don't appreciate him at all?

The new Eirwen which now sitting silently in the soft grass, felt the soft breeze blowing in front of him, the gardeners who were doing their work gaze at him for a second that felt like hours.

They complimented their young master in their mind, they were afraid of disturbing him, but they wanted him to stay like that since he bring light to their garden.

Which can make their garden even more Beautiful as it can ever be.

Eirwen saw they're intensely staring at him, he just gives them a soft smile with a simple wave,

His Beautiful cherry lips that curve with his smile, with a dimple visible in his both cheeks, with his Ruby eyes sparkle in happiness.

He's much more brighter than his past, making everyone forget What Eirwen did on those tremendous troublesome days he always does for them.  Which was very torturous for all of the workers in the mansion.

The gloomy young master is now gone, But was now exchanged with a Beautiful quiet little Master that they can now even handle, Making each of the workers of the Mansion have a Heart attack because of him.

they tried to ignore their young master's cuteness and do their job Cutting the grasses and leveling them perfectly.

Eirwen pouted angrily because of their new behavior toward him, every time he look away they would gaze at him with those sparkling eyes which are too uncomfortable for him to handle.

It's like puppy eyes with piercing needles, when he turned around to look at them and smiled they would start To tremble and ignore him.

Which they became a sparkling maniac in a past few days.

It's been a month now, and Everything was peaceful without any Interruption, he even successfully avoid every death flag, which is his brothers and The little prince, The female lead is still safe since she will arrive in this country within 3 years.

Eirwen stood up from the ground, patting off the dust In his clothes, the workers of the place were so nice and also given him snacks or Treats for him to eat, while he snuck off from his comfortable bedroom.

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