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Chapter 15
Third POV

It has already been a few years have passed, And the day of Eirwen being thrown away is getting closer.

" So it's tomorrow ha? " Eirwen said in his mind, Kate has been troubled this past few years because of the sudden change of Eirwen's attitude and not only that it also changed his figure and appearance.

Instead of short white hair, it's like a falling snow now, his cold gaze can also brought shivers from someone's Soul.

Eirwen lightly gazes at Kate behind him, " hello Kate.. "

But to Kate her master is still the same as the past, it just his appearance just changes but his personality is still like a child-like who needs someone beside him to care for him.

" I heard you called me Master.." she bowed her head, Kate smiled.

Eirwen's ruby-like eyes give out some sparks in them, as he smiled warmly. " Yes... I'm here to ask you to make me some tea, a tea you really recommend. ' he says, which makes Kate flutter her chest. " What do you mean? "

He gazes outside the window as Kate understands that he doesn't want to continue talking. She just tightly zips her mouth and bows and leaves the room.

Eirwen doesn't want Kate to be worried so it's better to just not tell her, she'll eventually forget about me sooner or later.

But there's something that Eirwen observed from her, She's really not an maid but a person who is capable of killing people. It was really shocking that she didn't plan to kill him yet.

" Clearly she's really an assassin... " He clentched his palms tightly

Alot really have change not only the Temper of the people of the mansion but the academy as well. He really didn't plan to get along with those people who are waving some red flag.

It was them who always sticks very close to him, not to mention.

Kurt also resembles a lot from his past lover, it hurts Eirwen when get to see him always.

His Temper, the more he grown into a fine man his figure is slowly becoming like (past) Kurt.

He sighed out as Eirwen massaged his forehead. He can see the winter is already falling from the sky.

It's the same as his Hair really, how unfortunate..

He walked out from his room, " I'll be back than... "

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He strolls around the garden that it's slowly turning white, He gaze at the sky where a small snowflake falls from his Forehead.

" ...it's cold, but somehow I felt unbothered." He said to himself.

Jing hasn't been out for so long as well, Eirwen is very worried about his situation. But like Jing said, don't be worried instead just patiently wait for him to come back.

Of course that was 2 years ago already.

He halted his movement when he heard his brother's voice called him in the distance, he doesn't want to stop but let's hear what he was about to say. He might say something very interesting.

" Yes?.." his ruby eyes gazed coldly at Draven, which it gave him small shivers.

Draven than smiled,' about... Are you free later? " He asked which made Eirwen just scowls lightly.

" No... I'm not" Eirwen walked away, Draven felt like their gap of their relationship is starting to distant themselves.

He quickly grabbed Eirwen's arm tightly, as Eirwen turned and glared at Draven. But it does successfully stopped him from walking away. " Let go... '

" What's wrong with me!? Did I even do something wrong to you! Tell me Eirwen! ' he yelled as his other hand was clentching tightly.

Eirwen can feel the grip of his hands is starting to get even tighter, " LET GO DRAVEN! "

" I will let you go if you tell me what I did wrong brother! Can you just tell me!? I will try my best to be any use of you just don't ... Just don't act like we're just strangers." Eirwen sees that Draven void eyes were slightly redden by the tears that was forming inside it.

He just scowls in his heart; if you asked me that, you have alot of things that makes me puke and disgusted. Even just your appearance is making me want to punch your face.

" Acting very dumb, is making me puke. I don't like you the first time I saw you. I don't like the personality of your acting, is it because Eirwen changed and you finally get to change as well, being kind is so annoying. The real Eirwen is already dead a very long time. " Eirwen glared at Draven he really want to spit all those words in his face but he doesn't to quickened his death.

" I just need to be alone so let go Draven "

" Is it because I was useless that I can't convince mother and father from stopping your departure from the mansion! ' he sobbed when he said that.

Eirwen looked at him as if he was just some piece of s--

The snow like boy than smiled lightly, but coldly at the same time. ' I don't want your help. Rather I was glad that I'll be gone from this house. '

This made Draven surprised and both confused while he gaze at Eirwen's cold smile. He can really tell that his happy just by saying that.

So his problem wasn't only him but the whole mansion as well. -

He was glad that he can be away from this mansion, just what are they missing? Money? Fame? Food? This mansion has it all be it gold nor silver from the country they lived in. Just what are they missing to make Eirwen satisfied on being away from the mansion.

" Wha-what? What are you saying...? "

" Like I said... I don't like being here. " Eirwen said in a calm tune.

Kate on the other hand notice the scenario as if Eirwen was being molested by his own brother, she quickly meddle in to the fight as she grabbed Draven's hand and push him away gently.

" Young master, please stay away from young master Eirwen. " Kate calmly said. Which made Draven even more pissed off.

" How dare a slave meddle into our family matters!? " Draven growls as he was about to slap Kate but Eirwen quickly stopped it, " don't you dare touch a single strand of hair to my people Draven. I warned you. "

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