chapter 11

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Third Person POV

" Aren't you still tired from holding my hand Kurt? "

" No. I can hold it all day long? "

Eirwen who heard this just sighed out his anger and raise his hand above his head, flick his finger on Kurt's forehead making him yelp.

" Let my hand go, It's not like I'm gonna go somewhere. " Eirwen tried to reassure the little puppy beside him.

" I don't know about that through? What if you run away from me? "

" I......... sigh... i promise i wouldn't go Away from you. " After Eirwen said that, the little puppy immediately let go his hand

Eirwen on the other side trying to massage his arm who was really sore from holding for a long time.

" I apologize about that, i just don't like having my friend run away from me. '

" When did you even see me running away from you? " Eirwen gaze at him, with his eyes filled with confusion as his long lashes just mostly covered his ruby.

Kurt who was staring at him just smiled and chuckled, " well, everytime. You always run away from me, and even choose someone as your substitute partner. Without consulting me." I can feel his immense jealousy behind those words.

Eirwen just stood up, his eyebrows were nearly close as his eyes just sharpen as he gaze at Kurt, " it's not my fault, it was that kid! "

" Yeah, i heard about that. "

" But why are you blaming me? " Eirwen pointed at himself, he was also mad about that Bastard who force him to be his partner.

" I don't know, you just hurt me physically in the heart."

Eirwen was suddenly became sullen and confused about what Kurt just said, it makes his ear a bit ringing.

" I do admit it's also my fault that I didn't told you before hand because of that kid pull me away forcefully '" Eirwen sat back down as he scratched his neck gently. " I apologize " he added

" It's fine, " kurt was now satisfied hearing that, Meanwhile the other students who were still present in the class were surprised hearing Eirwen apologize at someone for the first time.

The most annoying and non-caring kid who only seeks trouble almost every single day just apologize to a lowly commoner. What on earth just happened to the crazy kid??

Some students thought maybe this kid really did change, seeing his face and his word of apology, the view of his classmates of him suddenly change into a good condition.

One classmate who has confidence tried to get close at Eirwen, as she started to say her hello... " Hello your highness, I'm Michelle, it's a pleasant to meet you after your long seclusion. "

Eirwen gaze at her, and gently smile making the girl have butterflies inside her stomach as her cheeks started to Redden. " It's an angel "... She thought to herself.

" Hello miss, the pleasure is mine. Thank you for welcoming me back. " Eirwen knew that this would be the most tiresome day of his entire life.

As expected few students came closer at Eirwen as they started talking to each other, Meanwhile Kurt on the other hand was rather annoyed at their own presence they even ignore him and just continue to talk with Eirwen.

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