> DONT GO! <

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Chapter 17
Third POV

when Vincent finally reaches inside Eirwen's room, he quickly pushes the door open and runs toward him as he pounces himself on Eirwen's body.

" brother brother ~ I miss you. Vincent really misses you!~ " he sobbed as he felt Eirwen's touch on his head.

" Brother also misses you, how are you? " Eirwen asked warmly with a smile.

Vincent tearfully sobbed as he looked at his beloved face as he wrapped his arms around him.

Eirwen slid his finger at Vincent's cheek as he wipe his tears that were falling.

" Brother~ I heard that you are leaving! " This shocked Eirwen, " where did you hear that?? " Eirwen woriedly asked him.

But Vincent just ignored the sentence and continued on his own" Are you throwing me away...! Is Vincent being bad? Boo-hoo .." Vincent tears keeps on falling on its own as he cried out.

This really hurt Eirwen, as he kneeled down in front of him. " Of course not... " He sadly said.

" Im not throwing Vincent away... I'm just- ... Going on with a tour outside the country " of course he lied. And Vincent can spot that, which made Vincent cry even more.

" YOU LIAR! BROTHER IS LYING!~" Eirwen just hugged him on his arms as Vincent just cried on his shoulder.

Eirwen really didn't think that this little one would react like this, probably it might be a normal reaction because of many years they spend together they became inseparable in some cases.

He lightly patted Vincent's back, as it became a muffled noises, Vincent really tightly grasp Eirwen's shirt with his palms.

" I'm really sorry... Brother is sorry, please don't cry.. " Eirwen says.

The butler finally arrived at the door of Eirwen's bedroom that was widely opened, he really can't beat the children's stamina these days, they are very energetic in some ways. He was sweating and tried to catch some breathe.

Eirwen noticed this as he signaled the butler to leave and close the door immediately.

Well that made the butler even more out of breathe. But he infact did what the young master told him to do before leaving.

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Vincent sobbed, well it did go as he planned. His now sitting in Eirwen's lap and they are alone.

" brother.. I really don't want to leave you, can you just live with me instead?... If you really hate this place, you can live with me and I'll make you the most happiest person! "

Even the child is concerned with Eirwen right which brought him some warmth, he gently patted his head." I'm alright. Plus I'm not gonna stay there for long, I'll be back in a blink of an eye. '

Vincent just looked at him with a face of not believing anything what he is going to say.

" Brother your lying again... " Vincent sighed " who will come back in a blink of an eye, Unless you have some powers to teleport. "

Indeed he's right again, Eirwen can't help but squeezes Vincent's cheeks, " who made you so smart?? "

Vincent proudly beam " NO ONE! " His other face says like; please praise me~ please praise me.

" Wow, Vincent is so smart indeed. " Eirwen can't help but patted his head.

Vincent than suddenly looked down and wrapped his arms around Eirwen's neck, " brother... Even if you take so long to come back remember always that Vincent will always be here waiting for you. "

Eirwen can clearly hear his sniffles as he buried his face on Eirwen's shoulder.

The white snow was very grateful and both warmth by this little child, he wrapped his arms around as he patted his back.

" Of course... So don't forget me alright? ' Eirwen said with a smile and he felt Vincent nodded. " Mhm... Don't forget me as well brother Eirwen... Promise me that... "

" Of course I wouldn't forget how lovely and sweet child you are.. ' Vincent doesn't want to hear child came from Eirwen's mouth but he just slide those off. With a face of; just wait and see when I grow up, I'll be able to defeat all those pest whose chasing you.

Vincent quickly let go Eirwen's neck as he gaze at Eirwen's beautiful ruby sparkling eyes.

It wasn't really compared to his, Rather it's like a chocolate like pupil, but brother Eirwen has a beautiful eyes in the world. Just gazing at it making you want to get a closer look.

" What is there something on my face " Eirwen asked, as he playfully smiled at Vincent, Well indeed he have.

Having a beautiful face is already illegal.

" Nothing brother Eirwen, " Vincent gave a big smooch on Eirwen's cheeks. " Muah!~ " he let out a tee-hee voice as he quickly jump off from him and head toward the door.

" brother Eirwen I'll be waiting for you, even if it's 5,10 or more years I will not ever, EVER forget you, and I hope you too! " Vincent proudly beam himself as Eirwen was speechless because of the sudden cute kiss on his cheek.

It was so adorable and sweet at the same time, he smiled back at Vincent and nodded. " Yes I promise... "

" You better come into my place first when you go back to the country alright! " He said as he opened the door and runned away with his small hand wave.

Eirwen can't help but smiled at the child's attitude especially that cute peck of kiss.

He sighed out and stood up from the couch as he looked outside the window. He saw Vincent running away from the mansion and The butler indeed followed as he also run " YOUNG MASTER~! "

Vincent was just laughing.

Eirwen didn't notice but he indeed smiled looking at that child like face, He wondered what he will looked like when he grow up.

He might be very handsome, Looking at his personality he might have a lot of girls head over heels at him.

Well he doesn't even know if he will be back in this country or not. He never know, there's only 2 possibilities...

He either died there or he might have come back alive...

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