Chapter Thirteen-Truth or Dare

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We ended up going back to the Hotel where I now knew that Daniel was, so here we are sitting in a full circle playing truth and dare with a bottle of tequila, a present from Lea.

"Okay, Daniel truth or dare?" Whitney asked Daniel, who just smirked and replied with "Dare" everyone was quiet for a bit until Chester came up with a dare...

"I DARE YOU AND ALICE TO GO INTO THE BEDROOM FOR TEN MINTUES" Chester exclaimed, I turned to him wide eyed, "sure" Daniel muttered and got up, "can't be serious! Cheshire!" I whisper-yelled at him, he just replied with a cheeky sheepish grin.

Groaning I walked into the bedroom behind Daniel, it was my bedroom as well, as soon as we walked in the door shut behind us and was locked, "hey!" I yelled banging on the door, "sorry..." someone muttered, it was Chris.

Turning around I leave against the wall arms crossed over my chest, I was muttering curses at everyone.

"Oh quit being such a spoilt brat" Daniel announced after a while, my head shot up and I gave him a disbelieving look, no one said anything until One of us decided to break it:

"Why do you hate me?"

I asked, not looking at Daniel, there wasn't a answer, "Danie-" I started but got cut off, "Hatter...or Danny, or Dan, not Daniel" he announced softly, he stopped me from saying his name I guess he isn't snapping at me, that's okay.

"Sorry" I muttered, a few more moments of awkward silence, "I don't hate you" he finally spoke, his voice was gentle and soft, opposite of how he always is, oh dear lord, please let this be the tequila doing this work.

"I never knew anyone else who would go through the same stuff as me, so I always started to get rid of everyone, the guys outside broke through my walls, I was... upset that you might take them away... but you weren't. you stayed behind when my parents came home, you saw... I saw that we went through the same stuff" Daniel explained, during this time while he was explaining I had uncrossed my arms and sat down beside him on the bed.

"You weren't there earlier... I'm guessing Kat told you my story?" I asked not looking at him, "Shane did" he muttered, I nodded, "then you can see I don't wish to take anyone away from you...Hatter" I said and added his name, he turned to me, a small smile on his face.

"I want to tell you... my story, but.." he started but kept stopping to find the right word, "when your ready Hatter, I will have the time" I told him and got up towards the door, listening for the metallic click.

The door was unlocked by the time my hand was in the door handle, but Daniel stopped me, "hold on" he said, ruffling my hair a bit and wrinkling my top, he did the same to himself, "why?" I asked, he gave me a devilish smile, a glint if mischief in his eyes.

Daniel can be pretty cool.

Chuckling we walked outside and everyone was staring at us, "what happened to you two?" Kat asked a eyebrow raised, "nothing" I said at the same time Daniel said "hot sex."

I looked at Shane and he wasn't looking at me, he was looking at the floor angrily...What did I do? He doesn't actually think we had sex? Why would he care? Does he lik...

Oh... Shit.

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