Chapter Fifteen-A new freind?

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Becky above ^^

A lady sat down next to me, she had dyed blondish and light brown hair and deep green/blue eyes, "you okay?" She asked, her voice light but loving.

I nodded not speaking, "you don't seem okay" she commented, considering she spoke perfect English with a hint of a Spanish accent in her voice, "I'm not" I crocked out, she let out a light laugh "realised that" she chuckled.

I gave out a light laugh, "yeah" I mumbled, "so... wanna talk?" She asked, I shrugged, "I'm Rebecca" she said, "Alice" I announced she gave me a smile which I returned and we went into the bar where she worked and told her everything, at the end of it she just hugged me.

"Everything should be okay" she told me in all honestly, "I hope so" I replied with a sigh, "do you wanna hang out?" Rebecca asked looking at the clock, 8:35pm, "yeah sounds amazing" I replied with a smile on my face.

"Flynn! I'm out! My shifts over" Rebecca shouted, there was a muffled 'okay' and we headed out, we ended up at Rebecca's apartment which was within the city not far from her work, the beach or the hot but far enough.

"Here, you can borrow these, they would suit you for tonight!" Rebecca exclaimed handing me a set of clothes and a pair of shoes, I gave her a weird look, "white much?" I muttered, she huffed and shoved me into the bathroom ordering me to change.

I slipped into the clothes which fit me perfectly, it was a pair of white shorts, a white t-shirt and a pair of white trainers, extreme white!

I went out of the bathroom and saw Rebecca wearing the same, her skin was slightly more tanned though, she gave me a smile and we headed off, she wasn't telling me where we are going, we got into the cab, with a very bubbly driver.

My phone went off, "answer it" Rebecca told me nodding to my phone, I answered it:

"Hello?" I muttered into it, "Where the hell are you?!" A worried voice of Adam rung through the phone, "I'm fine, I'm out" I stated the obvious, there was a irritated sigh on the other end and a small conversation.

There was a sound and someone else spoke, "when will you be home?" A voice snapped, Shane, "why the hell would you care?! I'm just Some slut" I sneered, I was angry with him, what can I say... The sadness has been over taken by anger.

Rebecca motioned for the phone to be on loudspeaker so I did, "Aliceness...Just answer the question!" Shane growled angrily, "oh shut up ass wipe" Rebecca mumbled not so discreetly, I but back a laugh.

"What did you say? Who was that?!" Shane started to pummel me with questions, there was more but I couldn't listen, I zoned out, "aww, you need to treat a lady better!" The can driver perked up, me and Rebecca just burst out laughing.

There was silence on the other end of the phone, "did he hang up?" Rebecca asked, I shrugged, "don't know Becky" I told her, she just stared at me, "what?" I asked, was something on my face?

"I have a nickname!!" She squealed, I just stared at her, she can't be serious right... Her happiness is contagious so soon enough I just started laughing, "later Shane" I told Shane who was still on the phone and hung up, sending a quick text to Auntie Marie and Uncle Connor stating I was safe and out, and I have made new friends who I would be staying with.

They didn't mind, thank The Lord, we spent an hour in the cab just talking and getting to know each other, Rebecca reminded me so much of my sister, but we still quickly became best friends, she was only 19 turning 20 in a month.

We soon arrived at our destination, and let's say my Jaw dropped.

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