Chapter TwentyThree-Too early...

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Outfit above ^^^^^

I loved sleep, did you know? It is a amazing activity you do at night, sometimes it leads into late morning.
Unfortunately for me, somebody disturbed my sleep....

"Alice wake up" a voice spoke out, I groaned and lifted my head slightly, opening one eye I saw four blurry figures stand there. "no" I stated and flopped onto my bed again, hoping to fall into a blissful sleep. Again...


Well damn... I wanted sleep not a poking war! I tried to ignore the horrendous poking and sleep but...






"Who the living chocolate lakes is flicking and pinching me?!" I yelled rolling out of bed, literally, the covers was tangled in with my feet so I rolled of the bed and landed on the floor with my blankets, I looked up in my sleepy state and saw Kat, Becky, Whitney and Chris.

Everyone in the room just stared at me, until they burst into fits of laughter, it's too early to deal with mad people. I sighed and decided today is a good day to be a fish... I flopped onto the floor and curled up into my blankets, "sleep" I mumbled getting comfy.

There was footsteps and then silence, thinking I was safe and sound I let myself relax, big mistake. a moment past and I shot to my feet with a sequel.

Cold, Wet, and not my idea of a wake up call, they chucked a bucket of freezing cold water over me, looking at the culprits they were biting their lips to try not to laugh.

"Before you say a word, we didn't draw on your face" Becky stated and then they ran out of the room, "huh?" Was the only response I could come out with, I stalked into the bathroom, glad I didn't get that wet, thank you covers for saving me!

I looked in the mirror and growled, those idiota's! Written on my forehead in bright pink felt tip pen was 'Daniel Was here!' and on my left cheek there was a yellow smiley face and a red heart, on my right cheek was 'don't kill me Alice' in blue felt tip.

Daniel is so dead.

I spirited out of my room and saw Daniel sitting on the couch, "Daniel! You bugger" I yelled and jumped over the sofa trying to take him with me, but he was smart enough to move, making me land on Shane and Adam's laps.

Shane looked at me, "morning" he chirped trying not to laugh, I blinked, "hello" I said and rolled off their laps and onto the floor, I ended up chasing Daniel around the room, but never catching him.

I grumbled under my breath and stalked into my room, I ended up having a shower and getting dressed into today's outfit.

A crop top with the superman logo on, a pair of denim shorts, blue sneakers, I decided whether or not to wear my hipster glasses but decided against it, I paired this up with blue feather earrings, a few bracelets and a grey beanie, my hair was down.

I walked into the living room and sat down using Shane as a pillow, not to mention I put my feet on Daniels lap,

"why did you wake me??? It's too early"
I whined, "can we get food?" I asked, now thinking food was a better idea, I wonder what sloths eat... My mind is on a short track today.

Everyone laughed, I looked at them, oh crap... "did I say that out loud?" I asked, everyone nodded still laughing.

Well today should be good... wait why did they wake me up?

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