Chapter Thirty-Café

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I walked into the cafe giving everyone a reassuring smile, they all gave me one back, we took up the biggest booth at the back of the café, it was more like a diner really, but it was lovely.

I was sat in between Kat and Cheshire, they were all laughing at something Adam said, Kat kept fiddling with her thumbs and not looking up, I really needed to find out what's with her.

When everyone was talking among themselves I turned to Kat and whispered, "what's wrong?" she gave me a simple lie, "nothing, I'm fine" she lied her eyes glancing from me, to Becky then back to her thumbs.

"You like Becky? Don't you?" I asked, she just nodded, "remember when we hung out at the beach, we walked off for a while and well... we kinda kissed and like, i really like her" Kat explained, I nodded.

"Okay" I said, she just looked confused, "what you doing?" Kat asked when I sat down facing everyone else, a mischievous smile on my face, but I wouldn't do anything to bring them together right now, at least.

A waiter came round and asked for our orders, we all just got a portion of chips, and burgers with a load of soft drinks, he turned to me with a smile and slipped me a napkin, But before I could take it, Cheshire did.

"She doesn't want your number" he snapped slinging a arm around my shoulders, I knew all out friends were stifling a laugh, the waiter didn't seem bothered and took the napkin back and left us to it.

Everyone went back to talking, "thanks" I said to Cheshire, he nodded giving me a small smile, but he didn't remove his arm, and for once I didn't mind.

A different waiter brought out our food, and let's say Adam was all about the snide comments, "well, I have a a nice something to announce" Becky announced and everyone of us became quite.

"Alice, you've became my friend almost instantly and I do not regret it at all, you introduced me to your friends who have now become like my family. Happy birthday" she said handing me a white envelope with a smile.

"Happy Birthday!" Everyone cheered raising there glasses, "thanks guys" I said a smile never leaving my face.

"Right let's eat!" Chris muttered loudly diving into his food, I think he was hungry, we all ate our food surprisingly quick, then we started to play truths.

"Becky, your turn" lea said in a sing song voice, and I had the perfect idea, "and here it is, who do you have a crush on?" I asked flashing her a innocent smile.

She mumbled something under her breath, "what, we couldn't hear you" Daniel stated giving Kat a wink, I think he knew about his sisters crush, Becky heaved out a sigh.

"I said, I like Katie" she said louder this time, Becky used her longer full name, she said it looking straight at Kat, who now was staring at Becky wide eyed.

"You trying to play match maker?" Cheshire asked as he whispered into my ear, I suppressed a shiver that ran through me, and nodded mutely.

Damn, what the hell am I thinking any more.

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