An Old Friend

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"Cybele?" His voice was as brogue as she remembered. Druig quirked an eyebrow as he slowly paced up to her.

"I tought you'd gone rogue, but I didn't realise 'in the middle of the bloody Amazon' rogue." He held his arms out causing Cybele to hesitate and fall backwards slightly.

"C'mon, Cybele. I know it's been a while, but doesn't one of your best friends of 7000 years deserve a cuddle?" There was something mildly manipulative in the way he spoke yet she proceeded to embrace him, holding her eye's firmly shut, contemplating if this was a dream she would soon wake up from.

As she took a small step back from him, she stared directly into his blue orbs to which he maintained eye contact. "And you didn't know I was here?" She questioned, raising an eyebrow.

A hint of sadness wavered over Druig's expression, "I stopped reading your mind the second Arishem got hold of you," He took a second to look Cybele up and down. "Mortal looks good on you." He smirked, and Cybele couldn't help but chuckle at her old friends charm.

"Apart from a few wrinkles here and there, I'm doing better than ever." She smiled, though the corners of her lips soon dipped downwards as she realised Druig had brought all of these people here for something, and she wasn't sure she wanted to know what for.

Cybele gulped loudly. "What are you doing here Druig? What are all these people doing here?" Her eyes traced every single person stood behind him, they remained enslaved by Druig, stood as still as statues. After a little uncertainty, she added a final question...

"What are you doing to these people?"

Druig sniggered mischievously, walking back to the pack of civilians. He weaved in between all of them, his head tilting up and down to reach eye contact with every single one.

"Ajak ruined everything y'know," He began, brushing fallen leaves off of a, what seemed to be a middle-aged, mans robe. "Once you killed that last deviant, she demanded we remain undercover, living our lives without interfering with humanity," He trailed on, running his hands along their backs before diverting his full attention back to Cybele. "I simply just had to sit back and watch what was going on right in front of my eyes, it wasn't war Cybele, it was GENOCIDE," he yelled, "And I tought to myself, I can stop it. I can stop this all with one swift mind game. One swift flick of my mind and poof, no more killing each-other for no reason. No more genocide, Cybele. I can stop it all but,"

"The others didn't agree with your plan... So that's why you're here?" Cybele finished off his sentence. She knew Druig too well. She knew his obsessions with humanities imperfections and how he had always strived to change it all. To make the world a safer haven.

He simply nodded in response.

"Where are the others?"

"Makkari stayed behind on the Domo. Sersi and Sprite went to London. Kingo went to India to become a Bollywood superstar," He paused, as if he was really digging into the back of his thoughts. "I've no idea about the others."

"Where is Thena?" This question pained Cybele. She'd gone many years without even sparing a thought for her first-born, and they'd gone many many years before that barely acknowledging that they were even related. Asking the question almost seemed silly, why should she care where Thena was if she never really cared for the maintenance of their relationship in the past. Cybele had raised Thena, but when it came to it they were simply the same as the others. Eternals brought together to carry out a mutual task.

"No idea." Druig shrugged, bringing Cybele out of her thoughts. "Probably beating up a tree somewhere now that she's not mummy's favourite."

Cybele was about to respond, not even taking a moment to think about what might come out of her mouth. Though, she became distracted by Druig, who's eyes had trailed away from her and onto something behind her.

"Talk of the devil." Druig mused, still keeping his eyes locked behind Cybele.

She turned around to find Alyssa, wrapped in her bed cover, leaning against their wooden doorframe. An irritated expression plastered across her face. Alyssa tilted her head, staring straight back at Druig, her irritation turning quickly into confusion as her eyes scanned him from head to toe.

"What's going on?" Her tired voice croaked. "Who's the [cute boy stood in front of me] stranger?"

Druig smirked as he read her mind, and started to respond before he was interjected by Cybele.

"An old friend," She shot a serious look at Druig. "He's come to stay with some people from his village... further down the Amazon." Druig dipped his head in response.

"Right..." Alyssa furrowed her brows, yawning loudly before heading back into the hut.

After making sure Alyssa was out of sight, Cybele marched up to where Druig was standing. Her height towering slightly over him, her eyes bored into his and she lifted her left arm and rested it on her friends shoulder.

"You will not touch her mind," she spat. "My daughter will not be a victim of your mind games."

Druig laughed mockingly. "I'm not overly convinced you have a choice, m'lady."

Cybele's right arm rose to Druigs other shoulder, clenching his robe with both of her fists. She shook him gently, her eyes still solely locked onto his.

"Druig.. dont."

His eyes suddenly began to glow their signature golden glow and Cybele felt her mind drift away. Enslaved to Druig for a split second. Her fists loosened and dropped from his shoulders and when she realised what had happened, she was met with his shiny blue eyes once again.

"I dont think you can stop me, Cybele. You made that sacrifice 20 years ago."

Cybele shifted away from him. Unsure as to who she was looking at. He wasn't the same kind-hearted Druig she'd remembered touring the world with all those years ago, he wasn't the safe Druig that vowed to protect those he loved. He'd changed, and she felt trapped in his presence. So trapped that she knew she had to get out as soon as possible.

"Don't even think about leaving Cybele." His voice entered her head and she shook him out.

"We will not be your prisoners Druig," she yelled. "I've spent enough years being a prisoner to Arishem." A tear began to roll down her left cheek.

"Relax," Druig held his hands up and walked towards her. "You're not going to be prisoners..." he lifted a hand to wipe her tear away, before embracing her in a one-sided hug.

"...I'm going to protect you. Like I vowed to all those years ago."


The truth is, Druig would have let Cybele leave. His longest friend deserved her freedom and deserved a life without a constant reminder of her past.

But if Cybele were to leave, she would leave too. And Druig didn't want that. There was something about her in their brief encounter that intrigued him. He wasn't sure if he wanted to explore that or not, but for the most part he knew he wanted to keep her around. She was beautiful, her petite frame and perfect features still imprinted in his brain.

He wasn't going to hurt her, God no.


~ a/n: yay! first encounter whoop whoop! ps; I haven't proof read this but want to publish so bad, so imma just publish and then go over it and make any changes that needs be.
i can't believe how many views this story has already!

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