Bad Dreams

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Alyssa ran into the room, her body was cold, limp and lifeless. Screaming, she ran up to her throwing herself mercilessly on top the bed covers. Her hands ran over her face, arms and legs but they were cold... freezing cold. Crying out, "mum, mum" there was no response. Was she expecting there to be one? A intense headache overwhelmed her as she shrieked in pain, he body collapsed on the end of the bed as every single one of her muscles tingled. She called out to Druig, also no response. She called for him again and again but she never came. In that split second, the walls of the hut burst apart, exposing her to the torrential rain pour, revealing a large, grey creature. A spitting imagine of what she saw that day. She screamed, staring at it eye to eye as her mothers dead body lay behind her.

Then it all went black.


"Alyssa!" Druig yelled, though her screams were still piercing through the air. He shook her and shook her yet nothing seemed to wake her.

He placed his palms on each of her cheeks, allowing his eyes to glow. Alyssa please, wake up.

"Druig what the fuck!" She yelled, her eyes opening just as his eyes were fading out from their gold tone.

"I heard you screaming. It sounded like you were dying in here." He said simply.

Alyssa rubbed her temples as she muttered. "It felt like I was dying."

"What happened?" Druig asked, perching on the very on the bed.

As Alyssa thought back, she burst into tears, frantically looking around the room. "My mum," she cried. "Where's my mum?"

"I checked on her earlier, she's still asleep." Druig replied, clocking on. "Did you dream that she—?"

"Died." Alyssa finished his sentence, tears still streaming down her face. "But it was more than that. It was painful, like physically painful."

"It wouldn't be normal if you didn't fear the worse." Druig reassured her.

"There was a deviant." Alyssa stated, almost randomly.


"In my dream."

"You're probably just reflecting on the events of yesterday, plus what you learnt yesterday." Druig leant back against the wall. "Your mum is doing fine and I killed that deviant 2 days ago."

"Yeah, you're probably right." Alyssa sighed.

"I've been alive for 7000 years, I'm always right." Druig teased, hopping off the bed and towards the living room. Alyssa scoffed at his remark as he exited the room.


"How is your mum?" Isabella asked, taking a seat beside Alyssa on the river bank.

"She hasn't really been eating, but she's been drinking a lot and we've been keeping the wound clean." Alyssa replied.

"We?" Isabella pressed, raising her eyebrows.

"Me and Druig."

Isabella gasped, faking a shocked expression. "I should have known after the knot I found you two in the other morning that there was something going on."

Alyssa punched her friend in the arm, "ouch!"

"There's nothing going on. We fell asleep on the sofa the other night simply because it was like 4am in the morning and we'd been talking for a while."

"Oooo talking!" Isabella teased, nudging her shoulder.

"Isabella, please shut up." Alyssa said, seriously. "It's really not like that."

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