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A void of darkness surrounded her. Faint spots, that resembled stars, glimmered in the distance. She tried to move, but only felt her limbs floating aimlessly throughout the dark atmosphere. A glint of blue caught the corner of her eye, and when she turned her neck slightly, she saw a large planet that she could only assume was Earth judging by all the stories she was told growing up. It was a sphere, covered in a deep blue with big masses of green poking through. Suddenly, she found herself gasping for air.

It wasn't until a loud voice beckoned her, that she turned around. A terrifyingly large red robotic-looking figure towered above her, causing her to flinch backwards. It had a metal like structure, with a giant cylindrical head that hosted 6 golden orbs. The presence sent an icy chill throughout her body, causing thousands of goosebumps to appear on her skin.

"Oh Alyssa," It's voice echoed in a bellowing tone. "I've been waiting a very long time for you."

She hesitated for a moment, trying to catch her breath. "How do you know who I am?" She eventually said through each breath. She looked down, witnessing a giant hand situated beneath her. It protruded for what felt like miles, it's fingers triple the length of her entire body.

"I've known of you before you were even born." It spoke again, though it didn't appear to have a mouth. "I'm actually a very old friend of Cybele's."

Alyssa shuddered at the words, holding back the tears after the mention of her mothers name. She couldn't respond. She couldn't even get a single word out, simply staring gormlessly at the bright red robot in front of her.

"7000 years ago, I brought your mother alongside 10 other Eternals to Earth to carry out one all important mission," The voice echoed through the entire void. "To eliminate the deviants."

"You're Arishem." Alyssa muttered under her breath, remembering him vaguely from the day her mother had explained her previous existence as an Eternal.

He didn't respond to her remark. "Your mother was my Prime Eternal, set to lead the others through their mission. She was prosperous and very loyal to me throughout the ages, until.."

"Until I was born." Alyssa finished his sentence. "She told me about you."

Arishem ignored her once again. "When you were born, Alyssa, she betrayed me." He paused for a second. "With the worst form of betrayal."

Alyssa tried to move, not baring to hear him speak ill of her mother. She tried to avert her gaze, but the sheer size of his body blocked every angle.

"She wanted to be mortal," he continued. "She wanted to abandon her life as an Eternal, abandon her mission and become disloyal to me."

"And you let her! You allowed her to do all of that." Alyssa cried out, scouring every inch of her brain to try and figure out where he was going with this.

"In any other circumstance, I would have wiped her memories and restarted her life on Earth." Arishem voice was eerie and monotonous.

"Then why didn't you?" Alyssa pressed.

"I didn't expect her to act this way Alyssa. Especially when she never behaved like this with Thena."

Alyssa furrowed her brows at the name Thena. It wasn't the first time she'd heard the name in the last 12 hours and she knew for a fact it wouldn't be the last she'd hear of it. Before she had the chance to question it, Arishem continued to speak.

"I had a better punishment than to simply abolish her. One that would triumph after she deceased, one that she could do nothing to prevent. Though, I didn't expect it to happen this soon."

Suddenly, Alyssa had a bout of confidence even in her unfamiliar surrounding. "You granted her wish and now she's dead," she seethed, taking a sharp intake of breath, "you got your revenge." She added, in a growling tone.

When the atmosphere remained silent for a minute or so, she eventually concluded her short rant, murmuring the question, "What do you want from me?" as she looked up through her brows at Arishem's 6 glowing 'eyes.'

"You may have noticed your recent gift with the elements. Cybele was once very talented at manipulating Earths constituents... Can you tell me Alyssa, when did you start to experience this?"

Is that what that was? Alyssa thought to herself.

"This morning." She replied to the robot.

"After your mother passed." Arishem corrected.

"Yes." She responded through gritted teeth.

"You see, I allowed Cybele to become mortal, but I never took away her abilities. They lay dormant within her, waiting to be configured into her offspring. When the time came, the powers would dissipate."

Alyssa buried her head in her hands, each piece of the jigsaw slotting together in her head.

"Although, when powers are suppressed for that length of time, they evolve," His monotonous voice carried out. "Sometimes the evolutions reap benefits, but for the most part they will endure their flaws."

She was stunned, too stunned to speak. She kept her head buried into her hands, increasing the pressure as he continued talking.

"Alyssa, you have been enlightened to Eternal power. Though, you must know you are burdened severely by your emotions."

"What does that even mean?" Alyssa cried into her hands, refusing to lift her head.

"It means your elemental manipulation abilities are controlled solely by your emotions."

The burning sensation had returned. Her insides ignited with anger, as she lifted her head to face the monster.

"You did this because you knew my mother wouldn't be here to guide me. You've forced me into the burden of Eternal powers because you know it would absolutely tear my mother apart knowing that there was nothing she could do to help." She started to cry, the angry fire still coursing through her veins. "You cursed my mother, taking her sweet soul for granted. I wish she was still here to see this mess you're going to cause all because she finally learned how to see and stopped being blinded by her loyalty to you." Her eyes started to glow red as she became more and more agitated. "And what happens when my emotions get the better of me and I erupt the entirety of Earth into a chaos of flames. You don't want the Eternals to interfere with the humans? Well what happens when I scorch the lot of them alive simply because I burnt my eggs at breakfast. Or I drown them with all the rainfall I cause whilst I'm grieving my mother who died literally THIS morning."

"Then your mind will be reset." He replied bluntly.

"Why don't you just wipe me now?" She screamed. "Just get rid of me now, because you can kiss my ass if you think I'm following any of your beckoning calls."

"Oh Alyssa," He voice bellowed even louder than it had done before. "You're going to be such a valuable asset." He let out an eerie giggle. "Say hello to your sister for me."

"What the fuck is that supposed to mea-"

She began to scream, but was cut off by an overwhelming sense of falling. The kind of sensation you feel when you're falling in a dream. Or in this case, a nightmare.


Her eyes snapped open, instantly seeing two very familiar figures knelt in front of her as she lay face up on the decking of her hut.

Druig grabbed her hand, pulling her up off the ground. She fell into him, hugging him as tightly as possible. Her best friend wrapped her arms around her back. In that moment she felt safe, enveloped by the two people she needed the most right now.

And she hoped to God, that this was all some sick nightmare that she'd soon wake up from.

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