The Lonely Planet

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A/n ~ hey guys! just wanted to put a quick note here to say I am SO aware that there are inconsistencies in this story as I've began to notice myself, however I just wanna put it out there that this is my first every story I've written + I was so keen to do it that I've barely planned any of it, I literally write a chapter and upload as I go, there's no back log or any planning whatsoever so if I forgot little bits that's happened I'm so sorry :((( reality is it will probably remain this way as well so please try to bare with <3


The next morning Druig waltzed in unannounced, carrying the usual plate of scrambled eggs that Alyssa gladly accepted most mornings.

"Hello." Alyssa croaked, having not long woken up. She pushed herself up on the bed, it was a lot easier to do this today that it had been for the last 3.  Druig placed the plate on her lap and took a seat on the chair next to the bed.

"You didn't fancy knocking today?" Alyssa questioned, shoving a spoonful of egg into her mouth.

Druig appeared flustered for a second, almost searching in his head for an answer. "Oh, uh— yeah I'm sorry."

Alyssa laughed. "It's ok. I can barely move let alone undress myself. So it's not like you were going to walk in anything offensive."

Druigs cheeks flushed a faint shade of pink before he shifted his lips into a small smile. "Yeah, I suppose so."

"What are you doing today?" Alyssa asked, with a mouthful of food. Druig eyes widened, he leant forward propping just elbows on the edge of the bed.

"Why? Are you beginning to enjoy my company?"

"No," Alyssa rolled her eyes. "I was simply asking."

Druig's eyes narrowed, pushing himself off the bed. Alyssa stared at him, confused. "Why? Are you enjoying mine?" She questioned with a serious tone.

"Absolutely not," he responded quickly. "But I do have something for you."

Druig disappeared for a split second, before appearing again, carrying a book.

"I—uh, thought you might like this." He stated awkwardly, placing the book onto the edge of the bed.

Alyssa reached for it instantly, holding it up so she could read the title.

"The Lonely Planet," she read aloud, angrily. "Is this some kind of sick joke because I'm stuck in this bed.."

Druig held his hands up defensively, trying to talk, though something had exploded inside of Alyssa, sending her into a fit of rage.

"You arsehole," she shouted. "Do you know how hard it is to be confined to your bed all day?"

"It's not what—" Druig tried to interject, although he was cut off.

"Do you know how lonely I feel every fucking day? I don't get to choose when I see anyone, hell, I've barely seen my own mum in the last few days." At this point, her eyes began to well up.

"Alyssa, if you just let me—"

"NO!" She yelled, tears now streaming down her cheeks. "You're an arrogant prick, you took my life and now you're rubbing it in my face that I'm physically stuck here. I hate you. I HATE Y—"

"LET ME SPEAK!" Druig's voice bellowed across the room, literally forcing the words to stop projecting from her mouth. He let out a large sigh, and Alyssa could tell he was angry by the look on his face.

"If you actually opened the book," he seethed, taking another deep breath. "You'll see it is about the the world. 'The Lonely Planet' being a metaphor." He paused for a moment. "Do you know what a metaphor is... Alyssa?"

As he spoke, Alyssa did in fact open the book. She flicked through the pages, witnessing each page full of colourful pictures of different parts of the world. She froze, her eyes moving slowly up to Druig as a few rogue tears a trickled down her cheeks.

"You brought me a book about the world." Was all she could manage to say at first.


"And it wasn't to rub my current lifestyle in my face?"


"And now I've just cried for no reason?"

"You think." He said bluntly, before storming out of the room, shutting the door briskly behind him.

Alyssa tried to push her self up, calling his name as he left the room. She simply fell back down, as pain infiltrated her entire body.

And she cried. Again. Frustrating and angry at herself, she'd never felt so hopeless.


3 days had passed and Alyssa hadn't properly spoken to Druig. He simply dropped off her meals, exchanged a few words and then left. She'd read the book in almost one sitting, simply mesmerised by Earths beauty. But also grateful that Druig has taken the time to listen to her babble on about how she'd dreamed leaving the Amazon one day. Though, through reading it she felt guilt ridden. Embarrassed about her outburst the other day, she felt annoyed that her brain always searched for the worst in people. Especially Druig.

This morning she was awoken by a soft knock on the door, one she hadn't heard for a while. Before she got to answer, the door swung and open and Cybele was pounding towards the bed.

"Mum!" Alyssa exclaimed, sitting up in bed. The pain was still there, though it had subsided massively. "Where have you been?" She asked as her mum enveloped her, arms squeezing her so tight she felt like she was going to burst.

When Cybele didn't answer straight away, Alyssa pressed again. "Mum?" She pulled Cybele away from her, hand on either of her shoulders. To her shock, she was covered in bruises. Bright purple tainted sporadically across her face, including under her right eye which as black as void. "You didn't go monster hunting did you..."

Cybele managed a small smile, "I have something for you." Her voice was laboured and pained. Her hand reached into the pocket of her trousers, pulling out a small cardboard packet and placing it into Alyssa's lap.

Alyssa picked up the packet, reading the word 'Codeine' in large letters across the box. She looked up at her mother again, as tears began to stream from her eyes. "Mum, tell me what happened?"

"These tablets will help your pain," she digressed. "If you take one tablet every couple of hours, you should feel relief."

Alyssa opened the box, emptying two strips of tablets into the bed. She ran her fingers over them, never witnessing them before. "Where did you get them from?"

"She went out the other night," A familiar male voice echoed across the room. Alyssa looked to the doorway to see Druig, who began taking steps towards the pair of them. "I found her beaten to a pulp in an alley in the middle of the city."

"Wait, humans did this to you?" Alyssa questioned, looking to and fro in between Druig and her mum.

Cybele nodded. "I did steal these from their shop." She said guiltily, pointing to the tablets.

Alyssa sat up further in her seat, "And they beat the shit out of you because of it?" Her eyes began to widen in anger.

"It's my own fault, Alyssa." Cybele said calmly.

Alyssa turned to Druig. "That's what humans are like outside of the Amazon?"

Druig looked her dead in the eye. "They're savages."

"You," Alyssa pointed to Cybele. "Are never risking your life for me ever again, and you," she moved her finger away from Cybele to point at Druig. "Thank you. Thank you for saving her life., and I'm sorry for my outburst the other day."

Cybele shot Alyssa a confused look, so which she shrugged off. Druigs lips rose into a small smile before dropping it again.

"Now please," Alyssa pushed a tablet into the palm of her hand, "can someone tell me how these work so I can get the hell out of this bed."


a/n- we finally getting out of that darn bed guys!! hahaha so sorry it's dragged on for so long, now for the fun stuff to begin!

thanks for the support I love you all! Xoxo

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