𝘊𝘩𝘢𝘱𝘵𝘦𝘳 08

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QUICK A/N: lets just all pray i dont leave this chapter in the dust for months like the last one <3

David had offered for you to stay home for the day just to relax a bit but you politely declined and just said your were fine. Which, was a little bit of a lie but you didn't tell him that.

You grabbed your bag and made your way to the door.

"Aren't you gonna eat something real quick?" David asked.

"Nah, I don't really have an appetite right now."

David simply sighed in response and continued watching the TV in the living room. You opened the door and headed towards the staircase.

As you walked through the noisy city, you remembered the necklace. Reaching your hand into your back pocket, you grabbed the silver necklace and examined it once more on the palm of your hand. Many thoughts started to race through your mind, the noises of the city failing to silence them. As you became increasingly oblivious to your surroundings, you soon realized that you had accidentally bumped into someone, Alexander, to be exact. 

"Oh, sorry, I wasn't watching where I was... going..." you trailed off, realizing it was Alex.

"Don't worry about," he said, smiling in a comforting manner, "Um... well anyways, I was just wondering if you wanted to go out with me sometime?"

You were a little taken aback from this, considering you've quite literally never been asked out, like actually asked out. You would be lying if you said you weren't becoming increasingly nervous. You thought he was cute, sure, but you didn't know him all that well.

I guess that's pretty much the point of dates though... well, what's the worst thing that can happen?

"Uh, yeah... sure, when?"

The look on his face was as if he wasn't expecting that answer.

"Does tomorrow night work?"

"Mhm." you nodded, a smile creeping onto your face.

"Alright, well I'll you see you then."

He smiled, winked and crossed the street. You let out a huge sigh, as if you had been holding your breath the entire time. 

Did that actually just happen? What should I wear? What shift am I even working that day?

Realizing you were getting lost in a train of thought, you took a deep breath and continued walking down the sidewalk. 

When you finally reached school, you were greeted by Lily at your locker.

"Hey Y/N!"

"Oh, hey Lily."

"Hey... I'm sorry about your grandma, by the way."

You instinctively smiled but your smile soon faded away as you realized.

"Wait... how did you kno-"

"Anyways! Do you wanna walk to class together?" she said, enthusiastically.

"I- uh... sure?"

"Awesome! Anyways, so there's this drama with a guy I like..."

She started rambling about some guy but you were barely listening. As you both walked down the hall, you saw Peter at his locker. He soon noticed you and smiled. You returned his smile, while Lily was completely oblivious that you weren't listening to a word she was saying.

                                                                 *Peter's POV *

I was grabbing my things for math class out of my locker when I looked over to see Y/N, walking  with her friend. I smiled at her, and she soon smiled back. I felt a fluttering feeling as she smiled at me but I ignored it. My thoughts then were directed to the situation that occurred this morning. Seeing her in that state made me feel bad for her, especially after being used to her kind and witty personality. 

Maybe I could do something to cheer her up? Yeah... that's a good idea.

After I had rounded up all of my things for class, I walked down the hall to class

                                                                *2nd Person POV*

During class, you were lost in a train of thought, so you weren't really listening. Your eyelids were becoming heavier and heavier as you slowly leaned your head on the desk. 

I'm just gonna rest my eyes for a... second...

Before you knew it, you had completely dozed off. You couldn't blame yourself considering how stressful the day had started. 

About an hour later, you felt hand on your shoulder. Barely awake, you slowly lifted your head off the desk and rubbed your eyes. Once you had processed the situation, you realized the classroom was empty and it was Peter who had woken you up.

"Y/N... class is over." 

"Wow, I didn't notice." you said sarcastically, as you were slowly nodding off... again.

"C'mon... you have to wake up."

He gently shook your shoulder.

"Ok, ok..." you said, standing up.

You followed him out the door and into the hallway. You tried to rub your eyes, hoping it would make you less tired, but it did the opposite. You felt yourself leaning towards him, but you quickly tried to straighten your posture as your shoulder had brushed up against his. He soon noticed that you were having a hard time staying awake.

"Hey... are you feeling okay?"


You could tell he was still a little skeptical but he didn't say anything else.

The day went by faster than you had expected and before you knew it, the bell had rung and everyone flocked through the halls and out the door. As you walked out the doors, you contemplated going to the hospital to check on your grandmother. On one hand you you were extremely eager to go and see if she was doing any better but on the other, you were hesitant to go because you were scared that she was in a worse state than what she was. 

You then decided to go. But you made a quick stop at a grocery store not too far from the hospital to pick out some flowers.

It didn't take long to find the fresh flower section because they were right in the front of the store. As you looked through the variety of bouquets, you noticed one that had blue roses that eerily resembled the blue flower charm on the necklace...


A/N: Hope ya'll enjoyed this chapter! quite proud of myself that i managed to write AND publish in under 2 days. 

anyways i hope you are having a wonderful day and ill see yall next chapter luvs <3

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