𝘤𝘩𝘢𝘱𝘵𝘦𝘳 28

704 10 2

The dried tears stung, big time. I could feel myself slowly getting weaker and exhausted, due to whatever the hell was inserted in my arm. There wasn't much of a point anymore trying to fight it. 

This is what's going to kill me? Isn't it?

Painfully slow.

I was a little surprised. You would've thought it would have been a much more violent murder, considering how angry Alexander is, and how strategic this little plan was. But then again it was just an assumption, he might actually have something else in store for me.


The building looked long-abandoned. Weeds, ivy, and patches of honey suckle snaked up the brick walls. It was tall, maybe 5 or 6 stories. It was wide too. In the double glass doors, bright lights flickered in what I would assume is what used to be the waiting area and reception desk. 

I knew I probably couldn't just show up in the elevator-- wouldn't be much a surprise. My best bet was to climb the walls, scouting for Y/N through the old windows, if she's even here.


Someone had entered the room, hesitantly-- I could tell. I didn't bother looking, too busy studying the odd pattern on the ceiling. It's when I hear rustling of papers on the counters near the bed, I crane my neck and turned my head to face whoever was there.

"Oh... it's you again."


I tried my best to quietly and cautiously climb up the old brick wall. Suddenly, a large chunk of the bricks crumbled under my weight and fell about 20 feet before practically turning into dust once it came into contact with the ground.

"...Whoops." I muttered, under my breath.

I continued climbing, a little more carefully than last time. 

Suddenly, up ahead there was a window, bright lights shining through, almost like a beacon compared to the other windows with their dim to no light. As I crawled, I cautiously peeked through the dusty, cracked glass.

A shorter woman with dark hair and blue scrubs stood at a counter, rummaging through papers.

My gaze shifted.

It was Y/N, laying strapped to a metal hospital stretcher. Even through the grimy window, I could tell Y/N's face was puffy and the skin around her E/C eyes were pink. The sight was almost gut-wrenching-- a knot had settled at the base of my throat.


Charlotte didn't even bother looking at me, she only continued rustling through the stack of papers on the counter. 

"Why." I managed to croak.

She did a double-take-- and eventually looked near me. 



Her eyes finally darted up to meet mine, except now she was just staring at me like I was a caged animal. 

"You're... not going to scream at me? Like in the hospital...?" She whispered.

I simply shook my head. As much as I felt like doing so, I didn't have the energy to cry or scream until my throat grew coarse and dry. My reason to keep going-- to keep trying was grasped and taken away from me, but I still couldn't bring myself to show anything-- grief, sadness, regret. The shock was turning me hollow, scooping out any hope that was left.

"I'm... sorry..."

I furrowed my brows and my frown deepened. The growing irritation was painting itself on my expression.

"'Sorry' doesn't bring her back." I muttered, my gaze veered towards the window. 

All of a sudden, everything froze. It's like Charlotte wasn't even there-- still staring right at me. The flooding sensation of relief caused me to silently whimper, tears threatening to fall once again.

It was that familiar red-masked face.

He did a little small, awkward wave.

I bit my tongue in an attempt to not grin too big.

"I know... I just wanted you to know that." She continued, fiddling with the papers, "You probably won't forgive me anytime soon, but I truly am sorry..."

Tilting my head to face the figure outside the window, I sighed, too tired to give a shit about her "apology." 

The anger and irritation was accumulating, too bad I was in these restraints. I wiggled my hand just a little, hoping for at least a small chance it would begin to loosen-- but nothing happened.


I crawled away from the window I was originally positioned at, scanning the other windows for an opening. Suddenly-- I spotted an opened window on the fourth story, looking a little too convenient. But, I was too tired to give a damn.

Carefully, I peered over the windowsill, immediately regretting it.

Of course Alexander was there.

Thankfully, he didn't spot me... yet.

I watched him for a moment. He looked so casual, as if there wasn't a girl he had kidnapped and restrained below his feet. So nonchalant. 

Once he finally turned his back, I quickly climbed over the windowsill and onto the generic tile floor. Alexander turned, meeting my gaze.

I realized I probably was not going to easily zip past him like I previously thought.

"Heyyy... What's up???" I said, trying to match his casual manner, most likely looking like an idiot, "Nice place you got here..."

Leaning on the filing cabinet, I waited for his response but he only continued to stare. Something flickered on his lips for a split second-- a grin. Sinister. My casual façade faltered, at the sight of his intimidating presence.

God, if looks could kill.

"Of course a hero shows up..." he spat, "Just can't seem to get your damn nose out of my business, can you?"

I opened my mouth to reply, but was immediately silenced by the quick flash of a blade heading straight towards my head. Thankfully, I was barely fast enough to move out of the way before the knife went halfway through the wall behind me.

"What the he-"

"How the hell did you find this place anyways? Huh?" 

He cut me off-- again, "Let me guess, it was my blabber-mouth of a sister."

His mind was running through the possibilities, which I took advantage to attempt to slip out of the room. But, my mask was yet-again almost grazed by a blade being thrown straight at my direction.

"What is with you and the knives, man!" I webbed his hand, that happened to be holding yet another blade, and sprinted out of the room-- heading straight towards the hall and to the old stairwell.

A/N: thank u for reading this chapter <3 also i watched no way home and that shi had me SOBBING, like no lie, i bursted out crying like a baby at that ONE scene if ykwim (not tryna spoil). i also realized how much of a slow burn this is and how much im making yall read this awful writing before a REAL fluff scene, so pls bare with me, it'll be here soon <3

byee luvs, srry for any typo or mistake.

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