chapter 34

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"You're joking."

I scoffed, "Umm, does it look like I'm joking?" I gestured to the hospital bed.

David rested his head in his hands, pacing the room, "How the hell does a homecoming dance to lead to that...?"

"Aunt May is sorta freaking out... I-If you want me to stay it's fi-" Peter said, looking up from his phone.

"No! No! Go! Don't let me keep you here, I don't wanna be burden."

Peter slightly flinched, "But- You're not-" He sighed, "I'll see you as soon as I can."

"I'm guessing in a few years then?" I grinned.

He softly chuckled, sitting up from his chair and walking out of the room.

"And... who was he?" David asked pointing to the doorway.

I lazily shrugged, "Friend from school."

"Oh, sure... that casually saved you from a burning, crumbling building... mhm..."

"And what exactly is that supposed to mean?" I questioned, eyeing him suspiciously.

"Oh, so you're insinuating that whats-her-face, Lilith or Lily or whatever would have saved you- How long have you even known him!?"

"That's not really important right now, David, considering I'm going through shit right now." I huffed, rolling my eyes and folding my arms across my chest.

I leaned back, resting my head on the pillow, "I just wanna sleep."

"Alright... I'll leave you to it..."

David walked out of the room, closing the door behind him. I turned over to my side, wincing as the sudden movement hurt my ribs. The lights were bright, too bright. I was used to darkness when I sleep but I was too lazy to get out of bed to turn them off, I didn't even know I could get out of bed. I simply pulled pulled the covers over my head and hoped for the best.


I slowly trudged down the hallway of the hospital, Peter supported me as I walked, he held my waist gently and I had my arm around him. David walked beside me, keeping an eye so I don't trip or anything. A nurse trailed closely behind us, also keeping a close eye on me.

Once we reached the car, David slowly ushered my into the passenger seat and walked around the car to get into the drivers seat. Peter had his hand on the door of the car, about to close it,  but I leaned over to talk to him.

"If you're not busy later this afternoon... um, I'd like to... just get something off my chest..." I whispered, low enough so David couldn't hear.

Peter nodded, "Oh- yeah, sure."

I smiled at him, "Bye, Peter."

"Bye, Y/N."

With that, I closed the car door, waving to him as David began to drive. I let out a big sigh, one that I'd probably been holding for the whole month. I was so fucking done with hospitals and bright, fluorescent lights. And those "Get well soon" cards, that screamed "pity" or "I don't know you but I feel bad for you" all over. To them I was just nobody-student that happened to be in an incident. 

I was just another school-news headliner.

"You feelin' ok, kid?"

I turned to look at David, whose eyes were still glued on the road.


The sun was shining and the sky was as blue as ever. I leaned my head against the window.

Are you sure you're okay!?" Ava questioned through the phone.

I balanced my phone between my ear and shoulder, chuckling, "Yes! I'm alright now."

"Jesus, when I first heard about it I almost lost my shit."

I laughed, internally rolling my eyes at her dramatic remark.

"Anyways, how's the café been going?"

"Mm, pretty good, a little slower than usual, actually."


She sighed, softly, "Yep, but it's been kinda nice... although everyone misses you here."

"As in 'everyone' you mean just you, Cora and Ezra?" I grinned, running my fingers through my hair.

"Basically." She giggled.

I peered out into the hallway from my bedroom, glancing at the clock. 6:48 PM.

"Hey, I'll call you tomorrow, mk?"

"Hot date?" 

I scoffed, shaking my head "See ya!"

The last thing I heard was her snickering as I pressed the 'hang-up' button.

a/n: thx for reading my loves <3 see u next chapter

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