𝘊𝘩𝘢𝘱𝘵𝘦𝘳 20

930 15 3

A/N: ahhhh we're already at 20 chapters :D *and tysm for 500 reads <3


                      *Peter's POV*

Once I had finally gotten home, I quietly crawled through the window, in an attempt to not wake Aunt May. 

Ever since I had left that hospital, all I thought about was Y/N and how she practically cried and sobbed until there were no more tears left to shed. The rawness of her pain and tears and the way she almost had to whisper due to her dry throat was something I'd never get over. The way my heart was physically pained from her desperate sobs was something I've never felt. I hated seeing her like that, I desperately wanted to hear her laugh again or see her infectious smile that I've learned to love to much.

I slipped out of my red hero costume and opted for something more casual, as I dropped down on my bed, massaging my forehead from the intense headache that was slowly forming. 

I immediately fell asleep, due to exhaustion.


Despite all the days that the blanket of despair decided to cover the pretty blue sky, today was different. The sun was shining through my window and the sky returned to its pretty Azul blue color. The white clouds were scattered perfectly across the sky.

It was definitely a pretty sight to see, regardless of the fact that it was 7:28 AM on a Monday.

Rubbing my eyes, I slowly got up through blurry, sleepy vision. I yawned and shuffled to my closet, looking for an outfit. I then pulled on a plain, white top and layered a zip-up sweatshirt over top as I pulled on jeans. 


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I trudged to the door, grabbing my bag and saying my goodbyes to David, who was sitting on the couch.

Once I had arrive at school, I was at my locker when someone came up behind me.

"Hey, Y/N... I was trying to call you yesterday."

Alexander slipped his arm around my waist as he pulled me closer to him. I immediately smiled.

"Sorry, I was caught up with something." I replied, hoping he wouldn't push any further as to what I was caught up with.

"Ah, I see... anyways, I've got to get to class, I'll see you later." 

He quickly kissed my cheek and continued down the hall, as I sighed. Suddenly, someone else had come up behind me.

"What's up, Y/N!" 

I turned to look behind me. It was Lily, in her usual upbeat mood.

Before I could say 'hey' back, she continued to ramble on, "So, y'know how homecoming is coming up this Wednesday?"

My eyes widened.


I quite literally had no idea.

"Wait... really?"

Her head slightly tilted to the side, in confusion, "You didn't know!?"

"Uh... no?"

Her jaw dropped as if she had just been told horrible news.

"How did you not know??? There are posters about it all over school! There's even the giant one in the cafeteria that Liz put up."

I awkwardly shrugged and chuckled, "I guess I hadn't been paying much attention."

"Well... anyways... I was wondering if you'd like to go dress shopping after school with me and Liz?"

A smile tugged on my lips but it slowly faded into a relaxed frown once I came to the realization that I might not even be able to afford one. Ever since my mom and dad passed, we've always been tight with money. 

"Um... sure, why not."

I could probably just use some of the money earned from the café.

"Awesome, I'll see you after school then... I'll text you the location, bye!" she said, walking down the hall.

I simply waved and smiled as a thought entered my mind. Last year I didn't attend homecoming since I was stuck at home caring for my grandmother. Even though I've never been one for large parties like that, I still wondered what it would be like to dance with friends or even with a date. 

A smile made its way across my lips as I shut my locker and continued down the crowded hall.

Fighting the urge to fall asleep at my desk, my head rested in the palm of my hand. My eyelids were blinking slowly, threatening to close completely as the teacher talked about something that I wasn't even listening to. I was supposedly unaware of a pair of brown eyes subtly glancing at me.

Right before I almost dozed off, the loud noise of the bell filled my ears as I jolted up, a shaky breath escaping my lips. I noticed I'd been a little on edge today, considering I'd tense up at the slightest noise or movement. 

I felt a hand on my shoulder, as my eyes trailed from the hand to person standing next to me.

"Hey, you ok? You seem a little jumpy." Peter asked, staring into my eyes with his sympathetic ones.

I nodded as my lips twitched into a weak smile, "Mhm..."

As his hand pulled away from my shoulder, his fingertips slightly grazed my hand. Almost immediately, I felt butterflies, but I ignored them as I turned to walk out the classroom and into the hall. 


                  *Peter's POV*

Does she really dislike me that much?

Ever since she got with Alexander, it was like she was constantly avoiding me and finding a way out of any of our conversations. It drove me insane. How did I like someone that couldn't even hold a decent conversation with me before walking off? As much as I wanted to, I couldn't stay mad, no matter how hard I tried.

My gaze followed Y/N as she walked out of the classroom and turned the corner.


A/N: this is a shorter chapter bc I'm out of town rn and i didn't bring my laptop (aka my preferred device to write on) so yeah I'm too lazy to finish it on an iPad. This ones hella boring but I'll see you luvs next chapter <333

(Also, tysm for 500 reads and 20+ votes. Thank you all for reading this far and thanks for sticking with me through my sloppy writing changes lmao-)

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