𝘊𝘩𝘢𝘱𝘵𝘦𝘳 09

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You decided on the blue roses anyway, picking with up in your hands and admiring the beautiful light blue petals. Roses always reminded you of your mother's rose garden and arches in your old house. They would wither in the fall and winter but beautiful pink and red roses would bloom in the spring. You remembered how much you loved walking through the rose arches and pretending you were in some fairytale from the story books your grandmother had gifted you.

A small smile creeped on your face as these memories came rushing back to you. 

You then decided to look for a glass vase to put the roses in. 

After you checked out, you walked outside and made your way to the hospital that your grandmother was staying in. 

The hospital was 10 minutes away, so when you finally arrived, your legs were starting to numb from the cold and long walk. Walking into the glass doors, you walked up to the front desk.

"Hi... I'm here to visit my grandma."

An older lady with blue scrubs looked up from her computer

"Alrighty, what is your grandma's name, sweetie?"

"Melinda L/N"

The front desk lady started to type something into her computer. 

"Ok... and what is your name?"

"Y/N L/N"

She began typing into her computer, again.

"Please have a seat while you wait, it'll only be a few minutes, dear." she said, with a comforting smile.

You simply nodded in response and turned to take a seat in the row of chairs. Most of the chairs were filled so you sat next to a mother and her young child. Putting the bouquet and vase on your lap, you waited for them to call your name.

It had only been 3 minutes but your eyelids were becoming increasingly heavy. You were about to doze of, well until they called your name.

"Miss Y/N?"

You shot up and saw a nurse standing at the door, scanning the room. You stood up and she immediately spotted you.

"We're ready for your visit." She said, beckoning you to the door.

You followed her down a long, busy hallway with people walking around with clipboards and newborn babies crying in the distance (sounds a little creepy... but anyways). As you followed behind the nurse, you noticed a little girl with crutches standing in the corridor, holding a pink teddy bear. There were multiple nurses surrounding her, watching her intently as if she was a frail, porcelain doll.  You smiled at her, because she reminded you of yourself, especially when you were her age. When you were around five or six years old, you suffered from a severely injured leg, due to an accident by a pool. Everyone babied you. You weren't even allowed to play outside for a while, because they only thought of you as a fragile doll, but it made you sad, seeing all of the other children play outside while you were stuck in the house, doing therapy for your leg. 

The little girl smiled back, as she attempted to walk with her crutches. 

You finally stopped at a door, that was slightly opened. The nurse opened the door, revealing your grandmother in her hospital bed, breathing slowly. 

"I will only be a few doors away, if you need anything." the nurse said, nodding reassuringly.

You nodded and turned to enter the room. Walking in the room, you immediately scanned the area for a place to put the vase and flowers. You spotted a glass pitcher by the windowsill. As you strolled over to the window, you instantly noticed the setting sun and tiny, glittery snowflakes starting to fall from the dark sky. 

It's snowing!

You absolutely adored snow. When you were younger, you used to play in the white, glittery snow with your mother and father, it was your favorite thing to do in the fall and winter time.

You then internally smiled at the sight and poured the vase with water from the pitcher. Placing the roses into the vase, you admired the beautiful, blue flowers and placed them on the table by your grandmother's bed. You sat in the chair next to bed and looked at your grandma. She looked pale and sickly. Your eyes were then drawn to a monitor with a green line, going up and down and up and down. The sight made you sad, but your thoughts were interrupted when the same nurse had entered the room.

"I am sorry but I'm afraid visit time is now over, Miss L/N." she said, with a sympathetic look on her face, "I will escort you out now, if you'd like."

Before you followed her out the door, you gently held your grandmother's cold, bony hand and said your goodbyes. 

                                                     ***Peter's POV***

As I swung through the dark but noisy city, I tried to think of things to cheer up Y/N. 

"Chocolates?" I said, talking to myself as I paced around on the top of a building. "No, no... that's too cheesy..."

I couldn't think of anything else, so I pulled my phone out called Ned instead.

"Oh, hey peter." he said when he picked up.

"Hey, Ned, I had a question... if you were trying to cheer someone up... what would you get them...?"

"Who are you trying to cheer up, Peter?"

"Um... well, Y/N..."

"Y/N?... oo la la, Peter." Ned teased.

"N-no, Ned, it's not like that... it's just... she's been a little down recently."

I had decided not to disclose the situation that had happened earlier this morning, for Y/N's sake.

"Yeah... I guess she has been a little less herself..."

"Well? Do you have any ideas?"

"How about a candle-lit dinner with rose peta-"

"Ned!" I rolled my eyes at his ridiculously romantic suggestion. "Come on... I'm serious."

"Alright, alright... what about... ice cream? That always cheers me up."

I thought for a moment.

"Yeah, that's a good idea, thanks Ned, see you later."

"See ya, Peter"

I hung up and thought about where to find ice cream. As I stood on top of the building, in a train of thought, my eyes trailed to a bright window in a large building right next to the one I was standing on. I immediately noticed Y/N by the window and my heart skipped a beat. As if on cue, it started to snow out of nowhere. You admired her as she was in awe at the sight of the glittery snowflakes falling. You quietly chuckled. She looked like a little child seeing snow for the first time.

Realizing I probably looked like a creep watching her, I continued to venture through the city, searching for an ice cream parlor.

A/N: heyyy besties whats up

hope you guys had a good thanksgiving (if you celebrate it) or just a good week in general. Hope you all stuffed your faces with sum good food :) anyways hope you enjoyed this chapter and have a great rest of your day/night

Until next time, luvs <3

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